Chapter 2 -New House-

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          Mrs. Turner pulled into their new homes drive way which was nothing like their old house. Gravel crunched and popped underneath Storms feet as she stepped out of the car. She took a moment to take in everything and to see were they would be living for awhile. "Hey honey grab your sister and go explore the house." Mrs. Turner said throwing the keys to Storm. Storm walked over to the other side of the car and opened the door to see her sister with her doll's body in one hand and the doll's head in the other. Storm's face wrinkled in confusion. "Oh my lordy you are definitely my sister."  Storm said unbuckling her seat beat. "Come on brat lets go explore the house." Storm said with a sarcasm of joy. Adria's smile seemed to grow larger as they walked up the dirty red steps and onto the newly painted porch. "That's a weird colour combination." Storm thought out loud as she felt her shirt get pulled to the door. "HURRY UP! I WANNA SEE THE HOUSE NOW!" Adria screamed piercing her ears. "Little girl calm down I'm getting there!" Storm almost yelled but knew that she would have made her cry. Strom slid the Key into the lock and with one deep breath she unlocked the door, and walked in.

          A new smell filled her nostrils it was the smell of fresh paint and the smell of a craft store. It was much better looking then she was expecting. The first room you walked into had a long carpet that started at the door and went all the way up the stairs. The stairs had polished wood that looked as if you touched it, it would be greasy, but it wasn't. The next room they entered was a living room. The room was of course empty but it had dull red walls and a shiny wood floor. "Storm?" Adria said in a ask full tone as she pulled on her sisters hoody. Snapping Storms gaze from the walls. "Yes?" Storm asked back. Before she knew it her sister ran away and up the stairs. Storm smirked. "Oh you little brat." Storm yelled playfully as she ran up the stairs. The up Stairs was even more plan no paintings like their old house just plan light brow walls. And the same carpet from the stairs that went into every hall way. Their were only two ways you could turn either left or right. Storm turned right and walked down the surprising long hallway. Down there were two rooms One was the master bedroom which she knew her mom would take and a bathroom at the end of the hall. Her sister was in neither of the rooms so she walked down the long hallway again. Her sister head peaked out from the top of the stairs and storm yelled. "Found ya" And her sister took off running. She chased her down the other hall that was quite short but had a sharp right turn.

          When Strom took that sharp turn she froze. She froze because there was a big mirror at the end of the hall. She wasn't scared of her reflection or anything but it was the exact mirror that she thought she saw Nick got sucked into. Storm walked slowly to the mirror her steps seemed to get longer and slower her heart beat started to pick up as sweat beads formed on her forehead. When she finally reached the mirror she paused for a moment and then stuck out her hand it was just inches away from the mirror when she heard her mom call her from down the hall. Her heart stopped just one more inch and she would of been able to prove if she was crazy or not. She dropped her hand and ran down the hall and down the stairs to see her mom struggling with her boxes. "A little help here" Her mom said as her glasses almost fell off her face. Storm chuckled and ran to help her mom.

          "Oh no it's okay mom I got this" Storm said laughing and picking up some boxes that said in big sloppy letters "ADRIA." Storm slowly climbed up the stairs trying not fall over when she got to the top she set the boxes down and took a breath. "MOM! which ones Adria's room?" Storm asked waiting for answer. "The one that doesn't have a bathroom and not the master bedroom. Storm nodded knowing her mom didn't see her and walked down the hall remembering the sharp turn. She tried not to make eye contact with the mirror. She kept her head down as she walked into her sisters new room. The room was a pink sorta colour with a tan as the rim. Storm set the boxes down in a corner of the room and walked out. Again trying not make eye contact with the mirror. As storm walked away down the hall she felt eyes watching her but she never dared to turn around afraid that she might see something she didn't want to. 

          Storms mom went to the back of the truck to get more boxes she picked up the box that in big letters said. "HORROR" Storms mom set the box down knowing it was Storms and put some more little boxes on top and called Storm down to the car. storm walked outside to see her mom pointing to her boxes. She walked over and picked up the boxes and began to walk into the house once again going up the stairs and passing by the mirror she tried not to look at it but her eyes kept wandering over to it as she walked down the hall. She opened the door to her bedroom. It was a whitish gray colour that she knew she was gonna paint over it with red and it had a white rim which she was gonna paint over it black. Storm set the boxes down in the middle of her room knowing that  she was gonna trip over them soon. 

             Storm walked out of the room and back out side to see her mom closing the trunk.

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