Night Four

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It's been almost a week since the last one. I thought it would be gone but I guess not. We recently moved out of my moms boss's moms and now have a home of our own. I fell asleep around like 11:12 and woke up at 12:20. Tonight yet again was different. It was no longer the red man. This person was a woman. When I "woke up" this lady was in like a full body suit of like pixel. From her neck down. Her face was.. very odd. Her eyes were a crimson shade. And she had gashes shaped kind of like tear marks running down her face. They were very bloody and runny and as she looked over me the blood poured from her face slowly like little drips of water from a leaky faucet. It felt very sticky on my face. I so desperately wanted to rub it off. She started talking and the scratching and clawing noises disappeared. She said," hello dear child, you know me, but you do not know me in this skin, LET ME IN." The only thing I remember about thinking after that is I think my boyfriend. I see him as my light in the darkness and if he's that in bad times maybe it'll help now. And it did..

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