heat pack

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Hi guys! As promised, another nice fluffy chapter of jokerxharley! Please enjoy and let me know what you think xx

The pain in her stomach was sharp, waves contracting through her lower abdomen in waves, causing her to hiss a little and roll onto her side and bring her knees up to her chest in a hope to relieve the pain. It was no use. The cramping continued and Harley squeezed her eyes shut. It was too early to deal with this.

She reached a hand over to the bedside table and felt around, hoping there might be some pain killers left there, but she was only left disappointed and cold. Great.

A hand snaked around her midsection and pulled her close and she sighed at the contract.

"Sleep Harley"

His voice was groggy and filled with sleep. She nodded against his neck as he rubbed her side slowly. She moved his hand down to her stomach, hoping its heat would work to ease the pain. It did a little, and Harley found herself able to drift back off into an uneasy sleep.


When The Joker woke up, the space beside him was empty. He rubbed his face, trying to wake up a little more before slowly climbing out of the bed, not bothering to grab a shirt, leaving the room to find Harley. He could hear the television on downstairs as he entered into the hallway. Funny, she wasn't usually an early riser. Unless..

Oh. He knew what this was. Thats why she was awake so early today. He walked down slowly, walking to the lounge room and looking at the small mound of blankets on the couch, blonde curls peaking out from the covers. She looked up at him sadly, and he couldn't help himself from going and sitting beside her, running his fingers through her hair. She sighed (it could have been a moan) and snuggled closer to his body.

"Does it hurt baby?" he asked, already knowing the answer. They had done this dance before. She nodded, looking up at him with big blue eyes. He smiled and kissed her head before standing up.

"Are you hungry? Do you want breakfast?"

She shook her head and flopped against the cushions. "No... I feel sick, my stomach wont stop churning.." she whined again, curling up tighter as another wave of pain hit. The Joker frowned and watched her. He hated when it was like this. He hated not being able to help her. At least when he hurt her, there was a reason. It made sense. But looking at her curled up on the couch, tears in her eyes, he could only see a small, sick child, desperate for the pain to go away.

He nodded, walking out to the kitchen. He filled up a bowel of cereal for himself (no milk, never any milk) and put on the kettle. He would make her some tea. That would make her feel a little better. He opened the cupboard and pulled out a tea bag and some sugar.

He then went over to the medicine cabinet, pulling out the blue worn heat pack and putting it on the counter. He knew this made her feel better, the warmth working to ease the pain for a while. He had fallen asleep many times with it pressed against is side as Harley held it on her stomach as she slept. He placed it in the microwave and set the timer, waiting for it to warm up. He prepared the tea, and picked at his food until it was finished, and he carried all three items back to Harley in the lounge room.

She looked up and smiled upon seeing the blue mass in his hands, reaching up to take it. He placed the steaming mug and bowl down on the table, carefully lifting her torso up to sit behind her. He adjusted her on his lap and placed the pack on her stomach. She hummed in relief, moving a cushion onto his knees to rest her head on. He kissed her hair as he took his bowl and ate, watching whatever she had playing on the television.

A little while later, her hand snaked into his bowel, sneaking some of the cereal he was eating. He watched her silently, smiling down at her when she looked to see if he noticed her actions. She blushed, shuffling around so that she was lying to face him.

Her eyes were glassy, full of unshed tears as she looked up at him, biting one of her plump red lips anxiously. He hoped she didn't cry. He hated watching her cry. She always got upset when she was like this, anything being able to set off the tears. From a wilted flower in a vase to the way he had tucked in the blanket on her side of the bed. It was like walking on a minefield with her.

"I love you" she said quietly, never dropping her gaze. He studied her face, the bags under her eyes, the paleness of her skin and he felt the warmth of the heat pack pressed against his leg and he knew he loved her too. He loved her more than anything.

He leaned down, kissing her lips gently, touching her neck softly as she melted under his touch. He could feel the wet tears falling on her cheeks and he knew she understood. He pulled her closer, lifting her up so she was sitting on his lap, the heat back forgotten as he deepened the kiss, wanting all of her in this moment.

She broke away first, smiling at him and reaching for the blue pack, leaning against him again and pulling his arms and the blanket around them both. He squeezed her waist and let her rest her head on his shoulder as she adjusted her weight on him.

He wanted to say it back, but the words just wouldn't form on his tongue. He knew she understood, but that didn't make it any better. Harley sighed, absently playing with his fingers as she looked at the television again, finally being able to get comfortable. The Joker leaned down on his free arm, watching her as her eyes got heavy and she yawned. After a while, she laid down beside him and he brought the blanket all the way up to her chin. She kissed his knuckles and he chuckled softly. His little baby.

A few moments later he looked down at her again seeing that her eyes were closed. She was still pressed up beside him and holding his hand in hers. Good. She could finally get some rest. He looked around for the remote to change the channel so he could entertain himself while she slept, but alas, it was tucked under her leg. He sighed. He wouldn't move it at the risk of waking her.

He watches her breathe slowly and couldn't help but kiss her flushed cheek. She was his little baby. The familiar heat of the back was ever-present against his thigh and he knew this was as close as they could get to normal.

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