bed hog

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Back with another chapter!! From my Instagram poll, this one won by a landslide! I hope you all enjoy it!

Btw, this story is dedicated to another amazing writer who had been asking me to write it forever! @sibanshee I hope you enjoy the story and it was worth the wait!!


The Joker was exhausted. Endless nights of crime and fun had really run him down. He didn't often indulge in sleep, finding it took him out of his mind for too long but there were rare occasions, like this, that he looked forward to it. He could have fallen asleep right there as his hands rested idly on his chest, eyes closed to block out the lamp light from beside the bed. The silence. God, sometimes he missed the silence.

That was until he felt a familiar weight on the bed as it crawled up to him and sat on top of him. Maybe if he ignored her she would go away. Wishful thinking.

"Hmph" she said, and he could tell she was pouting. He opened his eyes a crack to look up at her as she sat on his chest, wearing one of his dress shirts, (was that the one that had supposedly gotten lost in the washing machine?)

"Baby" he said softly as he looked at her, the petulant child that she was, "What could possibly be the matter? You love it when I come to bed with you."

Harley huffed again and whined at him, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Thats my side of the bed!" she said as she sulkily looked at him, wiggling on his chest. He chuckled and raised a tired eyebrow, bemused by her words.

"Is it now?" he asked her. "But its my bed, is it not? Doesn't that mean every side is mine? Maybe its just nice of me that I let you use it at all..."

She just whined louder and pouted more at him, a feeble attempt to guilt him into rolling over for her.

"Puddin, please?" she whined again as she sniffed dramatically for effect. "You know I like to sleep there, and besides, thats my pillow and I can reach the lamp and you're a bed hog, so-"

She was most definitely was not expecting a pillow in the face, her gasp gave that away. The Joker just smiled at her, not standing to see that pout for a moment longer. For a second he was worried that she might cry but that thought was dismissed at the sound of her muffled laughter from under the pillow. Pearls and pearls of it as she pushed it off of her face and sat back up, looking down at him with the biggest smile on her face.

"Puddin!" she exclaimed as she hit his arm playfully. "What was that for?!"

She was such a child, the way she sat there, the way she looked at him. He wanted to scoop her up in his arms and place kisses all over her small body as she squealed and squirmed. 'Stop it!' she'd yell through her laughter. 'That tickles.'

He was brought out of his fantasy just in time to see her reaching over to grab a pillow of her own, ready to strike him back.

"Oh no you don't" he growled, sitting up and wrapping his arms around her and pulling her down on the bed beside him in a flurry of giggles and squeals. The sounds were of exhilarated and unadulterated joy which made whatever shrivelled heart he had in his chest flutter (or even just beat at all).

"Baby!" she exclaimed, looking up at him from his arms. He looked at her softly as she squirmed in his grip, not hard enough that he actually let her go. He could smell her clearly like this. The vanilla and strawberry scent of her shampoo mixed in with the minty aroma of toothpaste and possibly the lingering of gunpowder on her fingers. It made him close his eyes, but even in the blackness all he could see was her.

"What are you thinking about baby?" she asked softly as her eyes searched his face.

He answered her question by kissing her lips softly. Harley was surprised. He never kissed her first, she always initiated any moment of affection between them, but this was a nice change. She responded to him with equal gentleness as he tightened his grip on her possessively, not enough to cause her any pain or discomfort of course.

And Harley just enjoyed laying there with him, his chin resting on her head, despite the fact that she had been moved over to his side of the bed. She looked up at him to see his eyes closed again and she reached over to turn the light off, plunging the room into darkness.

He wasn't asleep, and he wasn't sure if he knew that as she latched onto him and got comfortable on his, their, pillows and sighed happily, closing her own eyes in an attempt to sleep too. His exhaustion had faded a little so he could lay awake and enjoy the sounds she made as she fell asleep. The small sighs, the little whimpers, the occasional sniff or mumble in her half-dream state. If he listened closely he could hear her eyelashes brush against the pillow every time she opened her eyes to check on him.

When he was sure she was asleep he leaned over and kissed her forehead and pulled the blankets up around her to keep her warm, even though he knew she would just kick them off durning the night. she had already began to spread out across the bed as she always did, her legs laying over his as she fell into a deeper sleep. He chuckled, and she had accused him of being a bed hog!

She mumbled something and smiled in her sleep, her blonde hair splaying out over the pillows and he chuckled. He didn't care about what side of the bed she slept on. Not really. He only knew nothing could send him to sleep like the intoxicating smell of her hair. He laid his head back on her pillow and closed his eyes, finally surrendering himself to sleep, comforted by the knowledge that she was here beside him.

Hope you all enjoyed! Let me know what you all thought!!

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