Chapre 2: Pizaz ans Evil

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A/N: Gald 2 c tat peeps are licking my stroy, ans I hop tat moar wil cum ans enhoy ass it continus. Moar duds are gong 2 b in tis chapre, sew it wil be evan moar intresting.

Dahlia ans Kirstop were in th Blucrop office, ans where thinking off evil thins 2 do, butt they had truble thinking. Suddenly, Kristoph worked owt wat was wrong, "We haf spent al tat tim in pirson, sew we had 2 eat teh prism fod, witch tasts terryball." ans Dahlia was lick, "Ah, how did I knot notice till now?" ans Kristoph ideaed, "Let's haf sum food we actully lick." amd Dahlia suggested, "How abot sum pisa?" ans Kristoph noded, "A prefect choice. It evan has everthin on tat food prymid tat schols take abot." ans went 2 get teh phone in teh corridor.

The phone said "Helo, this is Damninos Piaza, long-tim providars off the moat evil pizza 4 evil dudes ans evil chicks amd evil kids." sew Kirstoph explaned, "I'm caling form Blucrop, 2 order a piaz 4 Ms. April May. Her not says tat al she wants aded is sum extra chese, it specifies Whensleedayle, sins she was juts waching Wallace and Gourmet." but ten teh phone yeled, "Ur knot working wif April May! She is lactoe intolerate, sew she woodn't order chese." ans Kistoph ten blufed, "No, I am juts a lowly Blucorp worker, but she has ben starving me, ans forcing me in2 overtime, I mad teh mistke form malnutration." ans teh phone sympathyed, "Tat is unfortunate. We wil sent u a piza acording 2 teh order rite away, no change. In fat, we wil giv u 2!" ans Kristoph agred.

Kristoph wnet bak 2 trh office, "God news, Dolly. I used a bluff, ans mad tem get 2 pizzas 4 us, ans evean better news abot them..." Dahlia ten assed, "Wat's teh better news?" ans Kristoph rored, "FOR FREE!" lick teh evil dud in teh Santa movie.

(15 minuts later)

There pizzas arived, ans teh guy oslo got sum Cherry Pepsi 4 tem, sew teh 2 of tem cleered April May's desk, ans put teh dinner on it. Dahlia was rely hapy, joking, "I'm sew hungry, I cod eat an octorock." ans Kristoph chickled at tis. Kristoph ten sad, "How abot we haf a chat, sins we haf tim?" ans Dahlia nodded, "Wat dew u wish 2 tak abot?" ans he replayed, "We where bof in prison, sew how abot we tak abot how we getted their?" ans Dahlia seemed 2 lick the idea, ass she started, "I was teh daughter of the 2 worst parents I cod haf. My mother abendaned me, ans my father cared moar abot money ten his twin dauhgters." Kristoph ten inqiured, "Twin?" ans Dahlia answered, "She was knot in prison wif me, if tat's way u where asking. I safed her, sins I convined my father 2 sent he nun. I intended 2 b sent their my self, butt she getted lucky, sins she was a goodie-2-shus." ans Kristoph commeted, "No wonder u becomed teh way u where, wif how u where treted." Dahlia replayed, "I supose u our rite, but at lest I managed 2 dew a god deed ans save my sister. The same codn't be sayed 4 my step-sister. We palnned 2 steel a priceles diamond form are father, butt she tred 2 shot me, sew I stabed her. Ten my cousion, Mia Fey, fond owt, ans outted me 2 teh cops, butt a young man named Miles Edgeworth saved me." Kristoph cut in, "Miles Edgeworth? He's now teh chef prosecutor." Dahlia ten explaned, "Ten I met a man named Feenicks Wite, ans told hem 2 destory sum evidence. He did..." Kristoph assed, "U men the famos defence atturney?" ans she sad, "Who else has tat nam? Anyway, he did it... abot a yeer later, ans ten Mia Fey used it 2 arest me. Mr. Payne failed me." she finished.

Kristoph ten decided 2 tel her abot hemself, "I was known as The Coalest Defence In The West, ans I was a grate defence atturney, tat evan Right was impresed. He stole a case form me, ans I mad fake evidence, ans tricked hem in2 using it, sew he was disbared. I was later fond owt, ans he's a lawyer again. According 2 the Spirit Of Justice trailer, he's oslo a prosecutor ass well. I kiled a man named Shady Smth, becos Im evil! I evan haf black pyscho-locks abot it. Ten, to stop teh guy who helped me wif teh fake evidnece form teling any1 in a interveiw, poisoned hem, ans his dotter who was teh reel forger. The man deaded, but his dagheter is stil aliv, bcos of a jury."

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