Chaptre 12: Kirtshop Vs. Alita! The Batle 4 Evil Supeirorty!

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A/N: Hey gays, thans 4 ones agan cuming. I no tat u must b rely exitted 4 tis batle, ans I hop u enjoy wat I brin 2 u. Tis chaptre is sew epic, tat I can't proper talk abot it in tis note, sew let's get rite 2 it!

Kristoph flyed dritly 2wards Alia, ans geted teh 1st Strike. Meenwill, Atem ans his mages runed away, sew as 2 avod been killed in teh ensuring fit. Meenwill, teh god guys landed, ans seed teh Pharaoh run away, sew tey assed hem wat was gong on, "Tat Alia Titala chik juts grabed teh last Choas Emreld, ans has gone in2 Supper Form, ans Kristoph has 2. We ned 2 get away b4 we get hert." ans Iris ideaed, "Sins we ned 2 get owt ass well by teh locks off thins, cod we haf sum hoarses?" ans Atem decidd, "Ok, best avod causalities." ans ten the god guys went 2 horses. Iris explaned, "Franzika, u take teh led, u haf a whip, ans ur German, sew u no where Germany is." ans Franisa replayed, "Ok, butt y shod we hed 2 Germany?" ans Iris explaned, "Becos Germany is where they hav blimps, sew I can fly teh blimp home lick in teh Swords of Justice movie."(A/N: I'm knot kiding, Iris can fly a blimp in tat movie, look it up!)

Alita chaged up a enerjy bal, ans shat it at Kristoh, sew he rolled 2 doged it. He flyed frowad ans tred 2 pinch her, but she grabed his hand, ans throwed hem in2 a wall. Kristoph lolled, "U haven't sean teh tru extend off my powre!" ans puled his lims owt off teh wal, ans absorbed teh sand it was mad off, ans created an energy bal mad off sand, ans throwed it at her, butt ten she put up a sheld, ans absorbed it 2 mack a sand wall. Kristop flyed at it, ans tred 2 kock it other, butt it was 2 durable atfer absorbing sand. Butt ten geted idea, ans grabed Pharoh Atom's recycle bin, ans throwed it at teh sand 2 turn it in2 glass. He ten smashed teh glas, ans it want all other ALita, ans cut her lick 666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666 tims.(A/N: That's lick 666 amonts off 666. I hop teh fanfic sight doens't delte tat. Thou I can probably fix it in teh Arceve Off Are Own verson if tey do.)

Alita crawled bak up, "I din't cum tis far 2 loss now." ans piked up sum glas, ans throwed tem at Krstop, sew he flyed up, ans ten divekiked her. "AAAHHH!" screemed Alia becos she fought she lost, butt ten she remebered tat tis isn't Divekick, sew she was ok. She ten flyed down, ans sodeny went bak up, ans punched Kristoph's man-thing. He ten atemped 2 pinch her, butt his hand want threw her, as she lolled, "I'm other hear!" ans she grabed hem form behend, ans throwed hem in2 teh Pharaoh's Throne!(GEDDIT! Lick the song!)

Kristohp climed owt off rubble, ans grabed teh borken pies of teh throne, ans mad a Tronado wif tem. He oslo used teh Toronto 2 grab sum magic wands tat teh mages droped. He used 3 wands, ans casted a fire spel, water speel, ans earth spell. He din't ned an air spel, sins teh Totoro was alredy air. He moved frowad, ans cached Altia wif it, ans she spined arond teh Tornayoo screeming in Payne(GEDDIT!) ass she het by peieces off teh thron, ans hert by al teh magic tat Kristopg used. Ten he flyed 2 her ans begined 2 beet her down, butt she actived a conter, ans het bak, steeling teh Tormado, ans ten Dorofy's hous appered in teh Tenado ans wacked Kritsoph, b4 flying of 2 land on teh wicked witch. Alita jumped in 2 kik Krisyop, butt he grabed her, ans tey grabbled, butt ten tey bof losed cantroll, ans where sended flying out in2 a wal.

Their lims where stuk in te wall, sew ass tey tred 2 clim owt, tey constanly hedbuted each otter, butt ten Deliah arived, ans pualed Kirstoh owt, sew he kiked Alita's ass, ans she flyed threw teh wal in2 teh Pharaoh's cortrom.

Krsitoph chessed her threw teh whole in teh well, ans spinned arond ass he want frowad, shooting, "SIGHKO CRUISER!" sins he was dong teh Sighco Cruser form Stret Fiter, butt ten Alia spined arond teh opisite way, ans canceled it owt. She ten grabd Krsioph ans throwed in2 teh tall judge desk thingy, ans sins it was mad off sand, it celapsed on hem. She ten grabed a piece form teh top, and poored in water 2 try ans drown hem, butt he ten drinked al teh water, ans getted drunk(A/N: U can get drenk on watter, lock it up). Ten he cod ignor teh payne becos he was drunk. He ten busted owt, ans Alia hed 2 doge al teh sand form hiting her eyes. Ten Kirstop grabed a pirate sword, ans atacked, sins pirats fit beter wen drunk.

Alita taped in2 her supper form's powre, ans used Duble Teem, sew she mad lick 10 fake clons apper, ans Krsitop seed lcik 200 becos off his drunknes. He tred 2 slam teh swrod ans mack an earthquack, butt al teh Altia's flyed up ans doded it. Ten al teh Alit's mad bals off fire, ans sew Kirstp tred 2 atack tem quikly, butt he keeped atacking teh 1s tat he seed form drunknes, sew teh reel Alita hed tim 2 chagre up ans throw it at hem, ans he faled down burning. Butt he wasn't dun yet, ans kocked other teh proescutor desk sew it cod squash teh fire. He ten throwed it at Alia, witch she din't accept, sew she getted hit ans kocked owt off air. She ten flyed frowad ans smacked Kristop in2 teh galley. She ten piked hem up, ans spinned hem arond rely fats, compliantly destorying teh glley seets, b4 she throwed hem owt teh dores, lolling, "So long, gay Kristoph!"

Teh ompact off hem left his sillyette on teh dore, lick wen teh Lesbean(GEDDIT! Becos Yuri) Cosmic dud drived owt off tem. Delia was weighting owtsid, sew she gived Kristop CPR 2 help, butt ten Alia flyed owt, ans throwed Dahla away. She ten grabed Kristop, ans was abot 2 stangle hem, butt ten teh palace begined 2 shake, as thou an earthquack was hapening, expect knot, sins it was juts teh castle. Teh fit betwen Alia ans Kristop damaged it, sew it was abot 2 colapse. Alia throwed hem 2 teh sid, sew tat she cod escap. She runed rely fats, lick evan faster ten teh Usean Blot dud, sins she was sew desprete 2 get owt in tim. Deahlia seed her run, ans ten yeled down teh hal, "Sory, Krissy!" sins she had no tim 2 save hem, ans ten mad her own weigh owt. Teh whole palace was abot 2 fal on tem, ans ten Alita getted owt, ans bordered teh dores 2 keep Delia in.

Dahlia mad it 2 doors, ans fond she codn't open tem. She was sew afrad tat was abot 2 die, butt lucky 4 her, teh dores colapsed just b4 teh rest off teh castle, sew she cod run owt. Atfer tat, teh hole castle falled. Dahlia kneeled at teh ruins, ans let a teer dorp 2 teh grund, sins she was sad tat she lost Kirstoph. Meenwill, on a sand dun neerby, Alita laffed her ass off rely evil, sins she was glad 2 haf killed Kristoph, "Now al I ned 2 dew is take owt Dahlia, ans I will rain supreme other al evil duds ans evil chicks and evil kids."

(Other in Germany)

Frnziska, Iris, Atena, Apolo ans teh otter god guys arived at a blimp feld. Tey where locking at the blimps 2 decid witch 1 tey shod take. Phenicks ideaed, "Tis 1 locks pretty fast." butt ten Iris red the name off it, "Hindinberg 2.0? I wood knot trust tis 1?" butt ten an evil vocs evilled, "How dare u dis teh wrok off my mastre race!?" ans ten teh god guys locked 2 c who sad it, it was...



2 be contnued!

A/N: OMFG! I evan surprise myself wif my writing. I rely enjoyed writing tis, ans I think I've developed tis quit a bit. I hop u enjoyed reding it as much ass I enjoyed writing it. Soz tat I mite kep u in sispense 4 a bit, butt I want 2 go bak 2 my Avance Wars fanfic 4 a will, sew u shod red it ass well. I'll evan start puting it on Archeive Off Are Own, sew moar peeps can reed it ass well. I mite evan giv it a cover sew I can show wat Dusk locks lick.

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