Chapter 10: Edgeworth and Blackquill: The Clash Off Ages!

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A/N: Hay agan guys, I am sew gald tat u continue 2 red my stroy ans enjoy it. Evan the TV Tropes sight is reporting on the stroy. Ether weigh, 4 tis chapter, thins wil get epic, ans I'm sure the title wil giv u an idea ass 2 wat will hapen tis tim. Oslo, thans 2 XxMLGProGamer1969xX 4 remidying me abot Kay, Wocky, ans Matchi.

Th glowing holes in teh road off Space London opened, ans ten Bill Hax chanted, "Faces Off Evul, heer my cry. U muts mack these duds die!" ans then Hitler, Stalin, Frolo, ans David Cmaeron steped owt. Ten another whole glowed, ans ten a pare off evil vocs sonded...

"Prepair 4 truble, u meddling prosectuors!"

"Butt pleas, mack it triple, sew teh excitment is moar!"

Ten a blu hared sexy evil laddie jumped owt, alon wif a purple hared evul angle clad in blak toga wif red wings. Oslo, their was a blond emo kid in a doshe pruple sleeper, butt he din't say anythin in there moto...

"2 project are vois off devesation!"

"2 untie teh villains off all teh notions!"

"2 denouns teh wrok of Piulantunia ans angles!"

"2 expend are rech 2 the wrold abov!"



"Team Chaos, balst off at whatevar sped we want!"

"Surrender now, or perpare 2 die, die, die!"

Edgeworth and Blackquail staired at Teem Choas in confusion, sins tey aren't in Kid Icarus Uprising 2, sew tey din't know wat teh motto meaned, butt tey realised tat Team Khos where evil duds, sew tey getted in2 fitting stances! Bill Hacks lolled at tem, "It's 7 agents 2!" butt ten a vocs shooted, "2? U men 3, don't u?" ans Kay appered. "WTF!?" shooted Edgewroth, "How did u get hear?" ans Kay replayed, "U rely thot I'd let u go in2 dagger al alone?" Kat smarted, "I sneeked on2 ur jet, ans folowed u, sew I cod help u if truble cummed. She explanned.

Bill Hacks teleported away, ans hided in a neerby whorehouse, witch was the 1 wear Jack The Raper killed Roger.

The blond emo kid shooted, "As teh leder off Teem Chaos, Cloud Strafe, I wil single-handed defeet u." ans he runned at tem wif his dicksword. Cloud2 ans Amazin Pandora faceplamed at Strafe's stupidity. He tred 2 strik bak, "At lest I'm geting a remake." ans tey lolled, "Butt ur own emo fanbois our hating ur dum Finale Fantosy remake, ans it isn't evan reliased yet." He getted angry, butt ten runed at Edgewurth ans Blakquil agan, butt Edgewurth grabed Meekin's magephone fomr the Court Record, ans blowed it, sew Strafe getted shoked ans distructed, sew he falled other, ans stabed hemself wif his dicksword. Ten Amazin Pandora lolled evan harder, ans shat lighting 2 electofay teh dicksword, sins it was metal, ans ten the electrics want threw Strafe, ans Cloud2 quiped, "Now u can't hold us bak, u f-cking Pokephile." ans ten teh electrics hit Strafe's branes, and he died.

Amazin Pandora commeted, "I always wanted 2 get rid off tat idit, ever sins Chapter 9 off Kid Icarus Uprising 2. If only Cloud Angle din't Life Note hem wif us." ans Cloud2 added, "Ether weigh, Edgewurth ans Blackquil, we our stil hired 2 kil u, sew we muts, sins we wil get lots off money, sew we can mack a direct invading off Skiword." sew tey runned at them. Edgewurth getted in2 boxing pose, ans ten did a combo punch lick Little Muk on2 Amazin Pandora. She getted kocked away, ans she angryed, "Ur sew annoying, juts lick Megan Williams is. God thin she isn't hear, or we wood insanely lose." ans Edgewurth din't replay, sins he din't no wat she was taking abot. Menwill, Cloud2 had a 1st Blad, ans was trying 2 shov it up Blackquil's as, expect Blackquil was 2 clever, sew it was impassable. Tey ten getted in2 blade lock, butt Cloud2 sodenly shat a laser form teh 1st Blad, ans cot Blackquil of-gard, butt he quikly getted bak in2 composing, ans throwed feathers insted, witch cut Cloud2's chest, ans he blooded alot, butt he was sew strong, tat he survived it.

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