Chapter Eight - Birthday Present

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It was a cloudless blue day. The sun shone brightly. It was the kind of day you might want to repeat even if there was no other reason apart from to enjoy the weather again. It was a pity to have to spend that time stuck inside a dull classroom.

As I made my way across the school grounds toward my classroom I was suddenly joined by Annie.

"What a day!" she said, stretching her arms as if she had just woken up, "Wouldn't it be nice to run away and enjoy it rather than be stuck up inside a classroom?"

Yes. Yes it would. To run away with you, I wouldn't need to wait till a sunny day...

Of course I couldn't say something like that to her.

"I'm surprised to hear something like that from you." I said lightly.

"Eheh. It's not like I would actually do it." Annie laughed.

I stole a glance at her as we walked. She looked like she was in a good mood. I wondered if she had finally forgiven me for that incident a few weeks ago.

"Were you studying at the library again?"

"No," she shook her head, "We have a concert coming up so I was practicing my piece."

"Wow, I wish I could watch."

"It's this weekend," she said, "Anyone is welcome to attend. You just have to pay twelve dollars at the door."

"Twelve dollars?"

"What? We're pretty good, you know? Wanna come?"

"Okay!" I readily agreed. It almost felt like I was being asked on a date. There was no way I would turn that down.

"Great! Nine down, six to go."


"They asked us to invite fifteen people each so we can have a good sized audience."

I grimaced. So that was it.

"Cheer up!" she said, pushing me lightly as she laughed, "You're one among fifteen. It's not that bad, is it?"


We were almost at the entrance to the classroom block.

"Say Annie, you're in a pretty good mood today." I said.

"I suppose." she shrugged.

"Does that mean..."

She raised her eyebrows waiting for me to finish my sentence and then looked down as she understood the meaning of my question.

"No, not yet. But for today I want to have happy memories. That's why I've chosen to look past it for now."

"Happy memories of today?" I asked, "Is today special?"

She stopped just before the stairs and paused as if considering whether to say it or not.

"Yeah, it's my birthday." she smiled as she continued walking up the stairs.

Birthday? Today was Annie's birthday? My mind was suddenly bombarded with thoughts. If that was the case, shouldn't I do something? Wasn't this the opportunity to give her something or do something for her? If I let this chance go by I could never forgive myself. But what could I do?

"Hey, are you coming?" Annie called back to me from the top of the stairs.

I looked up and nodded my head.


You can probably guess that I couldn't concentrate on class all that morning. While the teacher was talking I was lost in my own world trying to think of something I could do.

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