Chapter Twelve - The best day is the worst day

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If you had a superpower, what would you do with it? Would you use it save the world, or just spend it on fulfilling your own selfish ambitions?

How do superheroes even know what kind of powers they have and what they can do with them? I think people don't realise that super powers don't come with a rule book explaining how to use them. Even though it might be clear to someone watching from outside how a certain power could be used, the person with those powers and in that situation may be completely unaware that their power could be used in that way.

I was thinking about this as I stared out the classroom window. We were supposed to be doing creative writing but I had a mind block, and all I could think about was my conversation in the hallway with Annie yesterday.

"Can we go back to how we were before? Can we forget what happened yesterday?"

I also wanted to forget what happened the day before. More than anything, I wanted Annie to forget that I had peeked on her while she was getting changed. I wanted to forget all the fights and unpleasantness between us. But to say I wanted to go back to how we were before; I couldn't agree with that. As I recalled the effortless way that Brent had asked Annie out I was incredibly jealous. Was it really as simple as that? Just ask her out and get a 'yes' back in response? Although I didn't want there to be unpleasantness between us, neither did I just want to settle for friendship. I wanted more.

But why? Why couldn't I do the same as Brent? Why couldn't I casually walk up to her desk and ask her out?

Because I'm a chicken.

I sighed as I lamented my situation. If only my 'superpower' could solve this problem too. Not only rescue me from bad situations but also change my mundane life into one full of love and excitement.

As I thought about this, the realisation suddenly hit me, as if it were a kind of 'eureka' moment:

Just replay the day.

Of course! All I needed to do was replay the day. Even if she rejected me, it could all be undone with the mention of two words. Then it would be as if it had never happened. Of course that wasn't quite true. I would still remember it. I wouldn't be able to forget the hurt of being rejected, nor could I change the way she felt about me if she didn't in fact like me, but at least if my problem was only the fear of embarrassment, that was something my ability could easily overcome.

I was immediately captivated by the idea, and as a plan firmed up in my mind I looked across the classroom to where Annie sat, diligently writing. My heart was beating fast but I knew what I wanted to. As soon as this class finished I would do it.

I looked down at the blank piece of paper in front of me and absentmindedly began writing down my thoughts.

'How to overcome embarrassment by turning back time'

It was creative writing after all. I could write about whatever I want.

As soon as the bell rang and we were dismissed I packed my things, stood up, and headed to Annie's desk. I even managed to get there just before her friend, Melinda, arrived.

"Hi, Annie." I said, ignoring an annoyed glance from Melinda who had just been sidelined by me.

"Oh, Ben," Annie said, looking up, "What's up?"

"Can I talk to you briefly? Alone? I promise it won't take long."

"Oh? Um, okay." Annie replied as she stood up.

"Haa..? What's this?" Melinda pouted at the side when she saw we were about to leave her behind.

"It'll be quick," I apologised, "I promise."

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