Chapter 29

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Harry and I kept to ourselves the first couple of days. We didn't tell the boys that we were back together because we knew that they would break our door down the second they learned that I was there.

It wasn't that we didn't want them there, because we did. I missed them a whole lot and everything, but I just needed some time alone with Harry.

"Here you go, love," Harry said and placed a plate of quesadillas in front of me.

"You did it!" I said proudly and took a bite that was so hot it scolded my tongue. "They're delicious, babe!"

"And not burnt," Harry added and I giggled.

Life was perfect.

I was still shaken up about the fact that Harry and I had actually been broken up and apart, but being with him again was slowly healing my hurts.

Harry had put all the pieces of my broken heart back together.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked as Harry sat down on the other side of the table with his own plate of quesadillas.

"We should probably pack," Harry said and I arched my eyebrows. "We are going on tour, remember?"

"Shit, true, Australia," I said and Harry chuckled. "You know... we should send management flowers or something."

"Why? For letting you continue the tour?"

"No, for bringing us back together," I said and this time Harry was the one to arch his eyebrows.

"I'm not following," he stated.

"When Lisa called me to announce that I was going back on tour, I tried to get out of it," I admitted and Harry looked up from his food with a surprised look on his face.


"Because I didn't want to go on tour with you when we weren't talking."

"Makes sense," Harry admitted, but he seemed troubled by what I was telling him.

"But Lisa reminded me that I had written a binding contract and that I didn't really have much of a choice," I continued. "So I decided to come here to talk to you. And look how well that turned out."

"Yeah, we're definitely sending Lisa flowers."

"I kind of love her even though she threatened to take me to court," I said and Harry choked on his food.


"Yeah, she said that that was what would happen if I didn't obey her."

"We're not sending her flowers," Harry said plainly and I giggled. "I mean it."

"I don't really care that she threatened me because in the end it brought us back together."

"Well, I care," Harry grumbled and took my hand from across the table. "No one threatens my girlfriend."

"She already did, babe," I reminded him.

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna talk to her about it," Harry said and I smiled.

"It's really sweet that you'll protect me, but you don't have to," I said and squeezed his hand. "I don't want you to get in trouble with management. We're together now and that's all that matters."

"You're right," Harry said and got up to kiss me before he carried our plates to the dishwasher.

As Harry cleaned, I moved over to the couch in the living room and sat back all relaxed when the doorbell rang. I was just dressed in panties and one of Harry's t-shirts, but I decided to open the door anyway.

"I got it," I announced as Harry popped his head out from the kitchen.

I walked over to the door and opened it. I didn't even see who it was before someone rammed into me and almost knocked me over. I could barely breathe as someone was hugging me tight.

"Who is it?" Harry called from the other room.

"I don't even know," I admitted and twisted to break free. The person hugging me was too strong, but as I squirmed I spotted a mop of blonde hair. "Niall, I think."

"Babe, you're here!" Niall almost shouted, confirming that it in fact was him. "Why the fuck don't I know that you're here? How long have you been here? Are you and Harry okay now?"

"Whoa, clam down, man," I said and giggled as I hugged him back. "I've been here for a couple of days, and Harry and I are more than okay."

"Why haven't you guys called me?" Niall whined and finally pulled away to meet my eyes.

His sparkling blue eyes gave me a sad puppy-dog stare, and I felt a pang of guilt. He was one of my best friends and I hadn't even bothered to tell him that I was back together with his best friend.

"We just needed some time," I said as Harry joined us.

Niall hugged his friend fiercely and I smiled at the bromance. I loved how all the boys were like a bunch of old married people.

"I'm telling the others," Niall announced and pulled out his phone as he walked further into the apartment. He plopped down on the couch and made himself comfortable as he quickly typed messages to the others. "I'm really happy for you guys, by the way."

"We know," Harry said as we sat down next to Niall.

"I've missed you so much," Niall told me when he had sent messages to the others with the news. "It was really hard calling you all the time and not being able to be with you. You sounded so down and... I just wanted to hug you tight."

"I've missed you too, babe," I said and ruffled his hair. "I wish you could have been there to hug me too, but you probably had your hands full with Harry?"

"Yeah, he was crying his eyes out," Niall said matter-of-factly. "It was really hard to watch. People keep saying that seeing me cry is the worst thing in the world, but I think seeing Harry cry is just as bad."

"I believe you," I said before I jumped as someone pounded the door. "What the fuck?"

"Probably Louis, Liam or Zayn," Niall said and Harry got up to open the door.

It was Liam and Zayn. Their hair was in disarray and they seemed out of breath. Had they been running here or something?

I stood up and caught their eyes. I almost didn't see them move through the living room, but suddenly they were hugging me tightly in a massive huddle.

"You're back!" Zayn exclaimed and I giggled.

"We've missed you so much," Liam announced.

Before Liam and Zayn had even let me go, someone else was at the door. There was no question that it was Louis, but I was still overwhelmed when he joined the huddle.

Eleanor was with him, and she joined in too when the boys didn't seem willing to ever let me go. And since Niall and Harry felt left out, they joined the hug as well.

I felt like a squashed bug in the middle and I could barely breathe, but I had a huge grin on my face because I was so happy. I was surrounded by the people I loved and I was back together with Harry.

The moment couldn't be more perfect.

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