Getting Vamped

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Happy for everyone from last night, especially Alec. He has never looked more happy. It's really adorable. But today Alec and I are going to meet up with those shits. (Excuse the Language) that have a ransom for Simon over me. Alec can't stop smiling. I playfully punch him in the shoulder and he playfully loses his balance and wobbles the bumps into me laughing. I don't think i've ever seen his be this happy.

"I don't think i've ever seen you this happy" i say folding my arms and smiling at him.

"I've never felt happier" he says. "I feel like a rainbow!"

"Which is definitely different for a Shadowhunter to say." I say. He hugs me and kisses my head. I think i like this side of Alec. When we get to the third tree with the basket two of the three people are there and there's a van with the third person and suspectedly Simon. "Alright here is the things. Where's Simon?"

"Hold on we have to check" the lady comes toward the basket and i pull it away.

"Simon. First" i say glowering at her.

"Fine. Fine. Get the Vampire" she says. The person in the van gets out and bring Simon with him. He has little cuts every where. "Basket"

"Simon" i say. The man pushes Simon toward Alec and i and lands on his fave on the ground. I hand them the basket and turn away never wanting to see them again. I help Simon up and he leans on he on the way to Magnus flat we decided because Simon can't go into the Institute. When we get to his flat Alec opens the door with his key and Magnus welcomes him with a hug. I help Simon into the arm chair and try to get him to sit up on his back but he just resists and lays over the side of the arm.

"Simon you need to sit up" i say. "And lean back and relax" he just grunts and lifts his shirt. I help it off and look at his back. "Alec. Alec. Alec. Alec get over here" i call. I look at his back and see deep knife cuts making a note.

This was step one.


A note. A blood written note. On a person. That's sick. That's just sick. Really sick. Really wrong especially for Simon.

"We have to call Jace and Clary" Alec says. Simon nods his head.

"Clary" Simon says weakly. "Is she okay?"

"She'll just have news to tell you" Alec says.

"Uhm. Maybe just Jace i mean Clary needs her rest she's got 2 or so months left" i say.

"She's got what?" Simon asks. "2 or so months left? Is she dying?"

"No no she's alright. You'll see" i say.


When Clary and Jace get here Clary tends to Simon and cleans the wounds.

"J. So it can be anyone starting with a name with J. Jocelyn, Jonathan, Jame, there are hundreds" Jace says.

"It's not Jocelyn" Alec and I say together. We know her well enough she wouldn't dare hurt Simon or any of us. Jonathan though,

"What about Sebastian? His real name is Jonathan so" i point out. Everyone nods.

"It's definitely a possibly" Alec says.

"Knowing how much he doesn't like us yeah" I say. I look over to Simon and see Clary putting bandages on his back. Simon's talking weakly ti her and Clary is smiling and talking back. Magnus is in the kitchen doing things i think. Honestly i don't know what he's doing.

"Guys i'm taking Simon to my house. Jocelyn and Luke will watch over him" Clary says. Jace leaves and helps her and i help Simon out leaving the two husbands alone.


Not to sound rude but Yes they left. I look at the clock. 4:57. Yay. I can take Magnus out. Or we can start planning our wedding. Hm. Yeah. We're gonna start planning our wedding. I walk into the kitchen and sneak up behind him an put my head on his shoulder. He never got dressed, he's still in his cupcake bottoms and shirtless. I turn and kiss his cheek and look at what he's doing. He's cutting up peppers.

"Whatchya makin'?" I ask.

"I'm making dinner tonight" he says. "Then maybe we'll start planning our wedding. Now go into the family room and wait for dinner it'll be done soon. No magic involved."

"Alright" i say. He gently pushes me out into the family room and i sit on the couch in my spot and look at the blank tv.

"Alexander you can turn on the TV" Magnus says his voice stretching for sarcasm. I laugh a little and turn on the TV and watch re-runs of Supernatural. It's not 100% right about all the monster killing and things but i found Holy Water useful with interrogating Demons like Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Kevin do. Anyways after one episode that Magnus and I always like to watch, Mystery Spot (S3. Ep11) Magnus comes out turns off the TV and pulls me into the kitchen smiling. He still has on an apron. Bet he still cooks better than Izzy with out the use of Magic. I sit at the table and he brings a plate out it has a piece of meat, mac and cheese, and vegetables with peppers. Magnus sits across from me with a plate that looks similar. I pick up my fork and try the meat.

"It's meat loaf" Magnus says. It tasted wonderful. I smile and look at him.

"It's wonderful" i say. As we eat we talk about little things like invitations, colors, where, when, who; all un decided but just small talk. After dinner we sit on the couch like we did the other morning. He twirls my hair with his finger.

"Alec would you want- never mind" he stars.

"Would i want.. What just ask me" i say. I look up at him.

"Would you ever want a child?" He asks.

"I've always wanted one" i say. "Why don't we adopt?"

"That would be wonderful" he kisses the top of my head sweetly. "Maybe a girl. I have a friend who talked to me the other day and she doesn't want the child she's carrying and wanted to know if she knew anyone who would want to take care of the child"

"We would love too" i say. We sit and snuggle some more and we eventually fall asleep on the couch.

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