Part One

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I never thought of the world as something big, it was always just a crappy place. Until a Friday in August 2017. I went into work late, again. "That's the third time his week. Mike I'm disappointed in you!" Screamed my Boss. "Look it wasn't my fault." I started to speak but I was interrupted. "Oh what's your excuse this time? Huh? Were you hit by a bus but your okay?!" My Boss kept raising his voice. "My alarm was shut off, I couldn't......" I was again interrupted. "I don't want to hear it." He sighed. "Pack up your stuff and leave until you know how to not be late." He said really calmly. "When's that?" I ask. "When pigs fly." He replied. "Now get out!" I packed up my stuff and I was about to leave that stupid place when two of my coworkers stopped me. Tony and Jim, My best friends. "Hey we heard about what happened." Said Jim. "So we got you this." Tony handed me a coffee mug. It read Worst Employee Ever. "I hate you guys." I said while laughing. They said they would see me later. Then I left. Little did I know that was about to be the last time I saw on of them. I went home with food from some Chinese place I couldn't even try on saying. I opened the door to my apartment. There was a note laying on the counter form my wife. "Be home at 9:00 pm. Helping Ally move." I put the bag of food and the coffee mug next to the note. I sat on the couch and turned on ESPN. They were talking about how bad Broncos beat The Patriots. I was happy about that. I started to fall asleep. Next thing I know I woke up to a Warning siren on the tv. They were talking about a Earthquake. Then I started to fell it. I tried to run to cover but I kept falling. It was no earthquake. It was much worse. That's where it all began.

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