Part 3

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I fell out of the portal on the other side. I blacked out while we were in the portal because I don't remember any of it. I was laying on the ground trying to look around. Barney was already somewhere else. Herald was there to show me around and he fell on his feet. We were In the middle of nowhere. There were little hills. Some tall grass. I could tell we were still In my dimension. Herald picked me up. "Let me show you the team." Herald said pulling me into a little forest. First thing I saw was a young western dude. Looked about heralds age which was about 25. He had a cowboy hat and a toothpick sticking out of his mouth. "Well Howdy! You must be the special!" He was definitely western. He talked like one and his accent was like one. "I... guess I am." I said back to him. "So your Mike Barns is it? I'm Joel. Foolish Joel." He said. "Why do people call you Foolish?" I asked trying not to laugh at the name. "Because. I am really Foolish. I took this job. That's only one Foolish thing I did." He answered all serious. "Move along." Said Herald. He started pushing me again. Foolish Joel walked behind us. "Next up U.S.A. He's an Alien. And USA means Unidentifiable Speaking Alien." Herald explained. I saw An Alien guy up ahead. "But we call him Sal. Just cause." Said Joel. "Greeting Mike Barns. We've been expecting you." The thing talked. I was frozen in fear. Scared out of my freaking mind. "Hi........." I quickly said. "Don't be afraid. It doesn't help." He said and walked to a rock and sat down. "Keep moving." Said herald. Sal didn't follow us like Joel did. "Next Slash. Don't mess with him unless you want to loose a limb." He looked more futuristic then Barney and Herald. "You sure this is the special?" He asked. "He looks weak." He kept talking. "Yes we're sure." Herald replied. "Fine. Now go see Barney. He's waiting for you." Said Slash. "Where?" I ask. " I don't know maybe off the cliff go look there." He replied walking away. Herald gave the Death Stare. "Don't talk to him like that. Or else." Said Herald. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" Said Joel. Slash turned around. "What did you say to me? Come on say it again and see what happens." Slash started to get in Herald's face. "Don't talk to him like that. Or else." Repeated Herald. Slash pulled out a combat knife. Joel pulled out a western revolver and pointed at Slash. I was hiding behind Herald. Until Barney jumped down from a above head tree. He pushed Slash away from Herald. Joel put his gun away. "I don't want to see that again." Barney seemed really angry. Sal walked up and was confused. "What happened?" Asked Sal. "Slash tried to cut off one of my limbs." Said Herald. "What did you say to him." Asked Sal. "I don't want to talk about it." Herald left.

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