Part Two

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I heard screams outside. I heard buildings falling. I heard the sound of death. The lights were shaking back and forth. I was saying prayers. Then everything just stopped. The world stopped shaking. The screams stopped. It was silent. Until a giant purple vortex appeared in my living room. I was speechless. Watching the portal. I was thinking that's the way I'm going to heaven. I'm probably already dead. Until a 25 year old looking man jumped out of the portal. He was wearing futuristic clothes. "Wow this Dimension is really, Different." He said. I was staring at him. I was thinking. "Did he just say dimension?!" I was confused. Until a second man jumped out. The other guy was wearing a brown cloak with a giant rip in it. He had an eyepatch and a Mohawk. "Stop talking to the special before you scare him to much." Said the new guy. "I think he already is." Said the other. The new guy looked at me. He put out his hand. "I'm Barney Rook. That's Herald. And your Mike Barns." I shook his hand. " do you know me?" I ask. "Did you not hear me earlier? Your the special." He explained. I didn't know what he was talking about. "Come meet the others." He grabbed me by the arm. Then the screaming started again. Everything started again. I closed my eyes and I was thrown into the portal. I then remembered about my wife. She was alone. And I was gone.

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