Part 4

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It was just Me, Joel and Sal. "That was a little... Strange." Pointed Out Sal. "So what actually happened?" Sal continued. "Herald was defending me." I replied. I walked off to get to Barney. He was behind a tree kinda far from us. "You should be ashamed Slash!" Barney was yelling at Slash. I hid behind a tree to eavesdrop on them. "You really think that Mike guy is the special. Your crazy!" Said Slash. "I do. And your lucky your not kicked off the team. You know how much money is involved." Barney said. Barney started to walk in my direction. He luckily didn't see me. I the heard Slash whisper too himself. "You just wait." He whispered. I ran out of that part of he forest. I ended up running into Sal. "Why are you so scared. Looks like you've seen hell." Said Sal. "Something like it." I replied. "What do you....... Never mind that. Barney is at the camp and he wants you." Said Sal. I walked back to camp with Sal. Sal is just how a normal Alien would look. Just like the movies. "Where were you?" Asked Barney. "I was just looking around." I replied. I don't think he bought it. "Just come on we're about to leave. You ready?" Asked Barney. "I'm ready!" Said Joel. "I guess I am too. I didn't bring anything." I said in a humorous way. There was silence. No one laughed. Then Joel chuckled. "Lets go everyone!" Yelled Herald to get everyone's attention. We all started to get in a car. It was just a normal SUV. Barney drove, Herald sat in the passenger seat. I sat in the middle of the three seats in the back with Joel on my left side and Slash on the other side. Sal sat in the far back by himself. We started to drive. We noticed there was a pull down tv on top of the roof of the car. We wanted to watch a movie. There were a lot of DVDs I there but we couldn't decide on what movie to watch so we just didn't watch anything. We finally made it into town. What felt like 6 hours later was just 3. We all got out of the car. We were in the middle of the street of the city. There was nothing. It was quite. Buildings were destroyed but there were no people. Suddenly there was a monster. It was a werewolf. It started to run after me. Then I heard a gunshot. The werewolf fell. But it wasn't Slash who shot him. It wasn't Joel either. A man with a black hoodie came out of the shadows holding a pistol. I couldn't tell who it was. "Mike Barns?" Asked the Man. I knew the voice but I couldn't tell who it was.
"Yes?" I was waiting to see who it was. "Holy Shit! Your Alive!?" Asked the man.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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