Chapter 15

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The next few weeks the pattern was set. Daryl called Gabrielle every Friday evening and they talked for hours. Topics ranged from what they liked on their pizza (plain cheese for both) to what it was like growing up the way they did. The more they talked the more they found what they had in common and what they didn't.

Gabrielle liked fine dining restaurant and Daryl preferred down-home style joints. He liked outdoor activities and she preferred museums or art shows. On the outside they were opposites. Gabrielle looked like the sophisticated model and Daryl was a southern redneck. Their differences held part of the attraction to each other, but deep down they weren't as far apart as people would have thought.

"Ever been on a motorcycle?" Daryl asked one night. He was stretched out on his sofa smoking as they talked.

"Once, when I was a teen." One stupid crazy night that she regretted.

"Did ya like it?"

"Yeah...I did," she admitted.

Daryl cocked his head. She didn't answer that convincingly enough. "Don't sound like you did."

It was scary that he was getting to know her that well. "I was a stupid naïve teenager, who had a good looking bad boy in his early twenties paying me attention. You know the type, dark brooding guy with tattoos and a motorcycle." Gabrielle stopped when she realized that she had just described Daryl to a 'T'."

"Like me?" he chuckled.

"Yes, like you," she laughed. "Anyway, I was sixteen and definitely didn't know any better. He kept asking me to go for a ride on his motorcycle and one night I finally said yes. A bunch of us was drinking and hanging out in this old deserted barn. I shouldn't gone, but I did. The ride was awesome...thrilling and I felt so grown up. Little did I know was that all he wanted to do was get in my pants and I let him. Gave my virginity to the guy and once we got back, I never heard from him again."

"I'll take ya out on my bike someday and I ain't trying to get in your pants either. Already been there," he laughed.

"Daryl!" Gabrielle exclaimed trying to sound outraged. He couldn't see her smiling. She had thought about that night every day since it happened.

"What Princess? You gonna deny it? Yeah, we did it...a couple times and I know you liked it, cause you kept saying 'Oh God, Daryl' over and over again."

Gabrielle couldn't stop giggling. She was both embarrassed and turned on at the same time. "Stop, you're embarrassing me."

"Hey, I only speak the truth, Princess. You did say it."

"I know! A gentleman wouldn't..." she started to say.

"I ain't no gentleman," he interrupted her his voice huskier than normal. Damn, he never should have started this. He looked down at his crotch and his boner was clearly visible. Fuck.

"Thank God for that!" Gabrielle laughed and Daryl joined her. It was time to get back to a safer topic. "I'd love to take a ride on your bike one day."

"Good," was all he said.

The line was quiet for a few long seconds.


"Yeah, definitely soon," he told her.

Gabrielle knew she had to say goodbye or risk doing something she may regret. She was so confused about Daryl. On one hand he didn't fit into her plans at all, but on the other hand, she had never met anyone like him. He had turned out completely different than she had expected. She just didn't know what to do with their unexpected marriage, so she did nothing until she figured it out.

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