Chapter 11

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Daryl cursed the fact that he always wore boots. They were impossible to get pants off over them and he was hopping around the damn room like a damn horny rabbit. He finally landed on the end of the bed, his fumbling fingers turning the laces on his boots into knots. God, he felt like such an idiot.

Gabrielle was trying to hold back the laughter but it was hard. He was so adorable cursing out his boots that he couldn't get off. She slid off the bed to help him. "Here, let me do it," she laughed.

Daryl laid back on his elbows watching her undo the knots he had created in his haste. She pulled one boot off then the other while her unbelievable body was there in all its glory for him to see. He about swallowed his tongue when he saw that she kept herself bare down below. He had never been with a woman that did that before. If he was hard from them making out on the couch, he was rock hard now. Gabrielle quickly pulled his socks off, but he was still mostly dressed.

He stood up now and with her in bare feet she was the perfect height for him, so he lowered his mouth to hers as he unbuckled his pants and they dropped to his ankles. Gabrielle clawed at his t-shirt bringing it up over his head and tossed it away. She felt him gently stiffen and did not understand why. It was only his shirt.

His underwear was pushed over his hips, momentarily catching on his hard shaft before it slipped down his legs and he stepped out of both his pants and boxer briefs at the same time. It seems his new wife was eager and not afraid to take the lead. He found he liked that. Usually, aggressive woman turned him off for the most part, but he was certainly enjoying it right now.

They were still standing at the end of the bed, their mouths hungrily devouring each other. Daryl couldn't remember when he had wanted a woman as bad as he did Gabrielle. He did not do relationships as they expected too much out of him, he did not date because he never found anyone that interested him for more than a few hours and he sure as hell never thought he would ever get married. Sex came when he when he went looking for it and that was usually after drinking at a bar. He had never been with a woman like Gabrielle ever before.

This time he was the one that broke the kisses that left them out of breath. He pulled her onto the bed so they were lying side by side. Gabrielle threw a shapely leg over his, pulling him closer. His fingers stroked her smooth stunning face trying to memorize every inch of it. He knew they weren't meant to be together forever like Rick and Michonne were, so he had to touch, taste and remember every part of her while he could.

Finally, his hand moved down so it touched the swell of her breast and he saw her close her eyes in anticipation of what was to come. He made her wait by caressing the outer curve with his fingertips and not getting near her nipple, not just yet. When Daryl finally gave in, they both moaned in ecstasy. When his mouth replaced his hand, Gabrielle cried out softly, "Oh God."

Daryl was making Gabrielle feel things that she never thought possible. Sure she loved sex, but she had never been this worked up this quickly before ever. If he kept this up she may very well come by just his mouth on her breast. He tugged, teased and suckled her so that she was practically writhing on the bed. Where had he been all her life?

Gabrielle felt the need to explore herself. Her hand that had been lightly caressing his shoulder and back now moved lower and lower. She took his erection that had been pressing up against her into her hand. Soon her fingers were wrapped around its length and now he was the one moaning his approval.

Daryl's hand replaced his mouth on her breast as his lips sought hers once again. Then his hand moved from her breast and lightly skimmed her body all the way down until it touched the wetness between her legs. To feel the evidence of how much she wanted him raised his need for her even more.

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