Chapter 35

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A week went by and Gabrielle's face now only showed some light bruising in colors of muted yellows and greens and most of her pain was gone. She knew with some clever tricks of her make-up, she could hide most of them if she felt like going out.

Daryl noticed that she was still slightly subdued, but hoped in time she would be back to normal. He had turned down some recently offered overtime as he didn't want to leave her alone over the weekend. He wanted his Princess back.

The one thing that he knew that she truly loved to do was ride behind him on his motorcycle. They hadn't been out on it in a couple weeks and it was time for them to ride again. They both could use the freedom of the road.

Gabrielle had stayed in the house all week not wanting anyone to see her face and have to answer unwanted questions. As much as she loved their little house, it was starting to close in on her. She heard Daryl's boots coming down the stairs and wondered why he had them on. He typically wore them when he rode and he didn't tell her he had plans today to go anywhere.

"Mornin' beautiful," he said as he entered the kitchen. He popped a kiss on her head as he went to get himself a cup of coffee. As much as he thought her overly expensive coffee machine was ridiculous, it sure as hell made a good cup of coffee. He was glad she brought it with her from Atlanta.

"What are your plans today, Princess?"

"Nothing really. What about you?"

Daryl took another sip of his coffee. "Thought we'd go for a ride today, maybe a nice long one. Whadda think?"

Gabrielle's eyes lit up. "Really? We haven't been out on the bike in weeks. I'd love to go!" She started to run towards the stairs to change out of her t-shirt and shorts and into riding clothes, but she stopped short. She ran back to Daryl and crushed her lips to his. He had been gentle with her all week as she healed and now it looked like she was ready for him again.

Daryl's tongue pushed hard against hers until he controlled her mouth, then it softened. Gabrielle leaned into him and the kiss. She knew he was taking it easy on her giving her time to heal both mentally and physically, and had not even attempted to have sex with her. She appreciated his concern and consideration, but she was ready to have their lives go back to normal. Going riding today was a great start.

Gabrielle broke the kiss first. "I better get changed," she told him with a smile, "Or we may not make it and I really want to ride today."

"Get going, Princess otherwise I may just take you right here on the counter." The hungry look Daryl gave her sent had her getting instantly wet for him, but that was going to have to wait, she needed this ride on his bike first.

"Save that for later," she told him with a wink as she dashed upstairs.

It ended up being a perfect day for a ride. They traveled over back roads for hours just enjoying the fresh air and the road. It was a rare day in Georgia that the heat wasn't stifling and the cloudless sky was a perfect blue.

Gabrielle hung onto Daryl enjoying every minute of the ride. There were plenty of times that she could have just been sitting behind him without holding on, but half of the enjoyment of the trip was holding onto her husband as they drove around the countryside.

She knew Daryl blamed himself for what happened to her, but she didn't at all. Sure it was his brother that basically kidnapped her, but that did not make it Daryl's fault. Merle was the only one responsible. The freedom she felt riding behind him was the best medicine for her. It helped her start to put away that horrible day and get back to living the way she should.

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