Friends with Benefits

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Imagine: Friends With Benefits You and Justin hang around like brother and sister during the day, watching movies and hitting each other with popcorn or in his backyard skate boarding on his spray painted ramp.

You two could rarely go out in public together because of the rumors that would start and hate that would surface but that didn't matter to either of you cause all you needed was each other to be happy -and satisfied.

A couple of months ago you and Justin got drunk at a house party held by one of the "business partners" of Scooter. You ended up hooking up for round one in a hall-closet and round 2 and 3 back at his house.

When you woke up the next morning with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, terror struck you because you remembered what happened the night before.

The foreplay, the kisses, the muscles, the scratches.

You start to sit up but are pulled back down by a right grip.

He must have done it instinctively because he was still sleeping with his mouth partly opened and his hair a tangled mess.

You quickly, but careful unravel yourself from his grasp and slip on his shirt, nothing else. You liked Justin, don't get me wrong i mean he's a sex god.

But you already knew what would happen if you ever tried to date.

Back when you and Justin first met the guys expected something to blossom between you two.

They sat you down both at the tour bus table and explained to you both that "Justin dating a girl 4 years younger than him is not only gonna start a media riot but is illegal as well" you were about to say you didn't care what anybody said because you loved him but Justin answered scooter "what? Come on bro, there's nothing between us! I don't feel that way about her and I know for a fact she feels the same, right?" You were shocked so you quickly just nodded your head in agreement to keep yourself straight.

{back to the hook up} little did you know that after you and Justin's "session" that he couldn't get enough of you.

You went to the kitchen to make pancakes because you didn't just want to get dressed and leave without knowing if this ruined you friendship.

It took a good 20 minutes for Justin to come slugging himself down the stairs.

He was wearing a smile so you assumed that this wouldn't be to awkward. As you turn around to put the food on the table he looked at you smirking.

"You look good in my shirt" he said eyeing you up and down.

Apparently this wasn't awkward to him at all. "Damn, I have to worst hangover" he continued grabbing a plate from the cabinet and a fork from the table.

"I think we need to talk" is all you said. "I know, about last night right" "yeah" "I already have a solution." You were not expecting that. "We can be fuck buddies" he suggested.

You chocked on your food and grabbed a napkin to spit into.

"Um what" you said still not comprehending what he had just said.

"Well, don't let this go to your head but your the best I've ever had ;), I think we both can agree that a relationship isn't what either of us want so we can continue our friendship and fuck when we want."

You stared at him with a blank expression because your mind had officially cracked.

Long story short, you agreed to his proposal on the condition that neither of you are allowed to have sex with anyone else.

He had no problem agreeing with the condition that you immediately "start work."

Here we were.

Two months into this game.

At the moment I was laying with my head on his chest while he played with my hair.

Our warm bodies under the ruffled unassorted covers, naked.

I could here his breathe start to even out as he continued to play with my long strands of healthy hair. We had just had sex for the second time tonight and we were both very worn out.

I felt him gently kiss the top of my head and let out a breathe.

The friends with benefits act between me and Justin hasn't been the same lately.

It started off the first couple of weeks us being normal during the day time, we would play video games and ride our dirt bikes on the trail he had made, but then about 2 weeks ago our friendship turned into a relationship -except its not a relationship.

We had sex almost every night and I always ended up staying the night.

I barely ever left his house unless it was to get clothes. I even shower at his house! sometimes he showers with me.

Then, a couple weeks in, I left early one morning to get some clothes from my house and stop by Starbucks. Justin and me had plans to go to a new barbecue that opened downtown but when I walked into his house he was laying on the couch -sick.

I made him some soup and made sure he was comfortable (like a good friend) and was about to walk out the door to let him sleep but then -"Will you please cuddle with me?" He asked from the couch. I turned around, i was actually dying for his touch but I didn't want to get sick too.

"Please?" He called one more time.

I took my boots off at the door and dropped them on the floor knowing he heard the sound. "Let me put my pajamas on I wanna he comfortable."

I ran upstairs to his room where my sleep wear was all over the floor from last night when he ripped it off me.

I put it on and kinda ran down the stairs.

I was anxious. He was laying on his side with his eyes closed.

Without opening them he moved back and pushed himself up against the back of the couch an pulled the covers back, silently inviting me.

I laid down in the up occupied space in front of Justin.

He wrapped the covers back around us, laced his arm over my stomach and pulled me back closer to him then placed his head on my shoulder and side of my head.

He almost immediately fell asleep.

It was now two weeks later and things really weren't the same since that day.

He always wanted to cuddle. If we were watching a movie or eating, it was happening.

We didn't have sex 4 nights out of the past two weeks and I was beginning to get worried he was bored with me. He would buy me things like a necklace with a "J" on it and this morning, he brought be a rosé.

It sounds like he likes me but here's the problem, He still tells people, in front of me, that he doesn't care about me in that way.

And when we get alone he doesn't take it back, he just act like I wasn't there or listening.

Justin wasn't going to be at his house tonight so I wouldn't be either.

I was at my house trying to straighten things I hadn't gotten the opportunity to the past couple weeks when my house phone rang.

It was my mom, she said she had tried to call my cell but I don't pick it up. It was then I remembered that I probably left it at Justin's.

I told her I would call her back when I retrieved it and made my way to Justin's.

I had a key so I didn't worry about not being able to get it.

When I pulled into Justin's drive way I saw his whole Ferrari in the drive way.

I was confused, he said he was at the studio.

I walked up to the front door and noticed it was unlocked.

When I opened the door I saw Justin's living room empty.

I didn't see my phone either. I walked upstairs to Justin's room and seen the door was closed but the lights were on through the bottom of the door.

I wanted answers and my phone so I just barged into the room and stopped dead in my tracks.

Justin was having sex with another girl.

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