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Kayla's P.O.V

After my mate carried me out of the prison cells we went to the doctor. The pack doctor said it was posion ivy and gave us a bottle of cream that would relieve the itchy feeling and help heal it.

We were now walking through the village and I was following my mate who was taking extremely long stides, that my little legs couldn't keep up with.  I scurried along trying stay at least a few feet behind. Why did he have to be so tall? He's like a giant.

He looked back at me and literally swiped my feet from underneath me and started caring me to an unknown destination. Everywhere he touched left a burst of enery that raided through my body. The feeling was breathing taking. He held me close to his chest and he smelt heavenly.

Soon, we arrived at what I assumed was his pack house. I could smell wolf everywhere. "Baby, I'm going to set you on the couch to watch television. I have some pack work that needs done. If anyone talks to you at all tell them the Alpha knows your here so they can mind their own business. Okay, Sweetheart?" I just nodded in understanding.

My mate had been gone a while and a couple came in arguing. One was a red headed girl and the other a guy with light chestnut colored hair. I don't think they realized I was even there because they kept bickering.

"I have gave you two years of my life just for you to throw it away with four other girls who didn't even like you. Wayne this mistake is unforgivable. I only give two chances and that was your second strike," the girl with red hair said trying to hold back a choked sob. She was trying to hold back her tears and you could tell it was getting harder and harder by the second. Her face wad red from sadness and anger.

"Listen, they didn't mean anything. I love you and only you. No other girl in the world could compare to your kindness. Your beauty. Your wit. Your charm. No one. Please baby, believe me," he started begging. The man came down on one knee and took his mates? hand. She quickly yanked her hand back and then stomped on his feet.

"Do not touch me or speak to me ever again. You do not get that privilege. Like you said no one compares to my kindness. My beauty. My wit. Or my charm. But somehow you thought those four other girls were better than me. You have broken my wolf, but I won't let you break me. I am strong with or without you. You are not required to be in my life and after what you did I sure as hell don't want you anywhere near me."

"Don't leave me, please. The pain would be unbearable for my wolf and I. You can't leave. I would be Mateless."

"You should have thought about that before you cheated. The pain was unbearable when I found out that you're a no good, rooten, idiotic dog. Now before this gets any further I need you to listen close. I Scarla Harriman reject you Wayne Hart as my past, present, and future mate. With this being said I relize I will no longer carry a bond with you, am cutting all feelings, and removing all marks of you," she said it with such sadness but she still didn't shed a tear for him.

After her words were out there was a slight paid before they both dropped to the ground wailing in pain. They were both screaming and the male let out a string of curse words. I had never seen this done before and I had no clue of what I needed to do. A hardly visible string was connecting the two people. Oddly it only looked two dimensional. I reached out to touch the golden rope, but before I could it snapped and two bodies were flying across the room in opposite directions. One barely missing the television and the other landing on top of a glass coffee table, completely shattering it. That was going to be a big mess for me to clean up.

I checked on the girl first because she was closest to me and she was on the ground and unconscious. I looked over at the guy and he was also unconscious but loosing lots of blood fast. There were pieces of glass stuck in his back and and bruises were also forming. I tried to pull him up from the ground. His body only came up a few inches so after that I started to drag him to the side, away from all of the glass. I struggled but eventually got him away from the shards of glass.

There were a box of tissues by the couch that I quickly snatched and started dabbing his wound with. It wasn't helping much because the blood was still pooring.

"Help! Help! Help! There's blood. Can someone get in here?" I didn't know what else to do so I tried yelling for someone who did. The man looked liked he was starting to come to because he was starting to groan. Before I got the chance to ask if he was alright he started screaming and gripping at his chest. I checked his chest for damage that I hadn't previously noticed ,but saw nothing that would cause any pain.

There were heavy thuds sounding in the distance and I looked to see my mate rushing down the stairs. "Sweetheart, what happened in here? Why is the table broken?" Tears started to stain my face and I started sobbing uncontrollably. Mate was mad at us for breaking the table.

"It was an accident. They said words to each other then the string snapped and they went flying and he landed on the table and she hit the wall and he was bleeding. I didn't mean to break the table. I'm sorry." I hid my face in my hands and soon I felt a hand rubbing my back soothingly. It was my mate.

"Shh. Shh. Shh. I'm not mad calm down, darling." I hid my face in my tangles of brown hair. "Look at me,baby. Please don't hide." His voice sounded hurt. He pulled my chin up to look at him and started rubbing the tears away with his thumb. The depth of his eyes held so much emotion and his lips held a smile. "Listen to me. It's not your fault the tables broken. Don't worry about it. We can always get another one. Now go to the phone over by that lamp and press the blue button. It should call Dr. Patrick."

I slowly got up from my spot and walked to the phone. I picked up the white phone hanging on the wall and pushed the blue, rectangular button. Immediately I heard a voice on the line, "Dr. Patrick's office, how may I be of assistance?"

"Tell her were at the Alpha's office building and Dr. Patrick is needed." I nodded my head at mate and relayed the message.

"He will be there in a moment," replied the warm voice of the lady on the other line. After she hung up I walked back over to my mate. He gently kisses the top of my head and hugged me to his body.

"Let's go, baby" he took my hand and started leading me up a flight of stairs.

"What about them?" I asked looking back at the two unconscious bodies laying on the floor.

He shrugged and said, "The doctor will find them. Wayne has been in the pack doctors more times than I can count. He'll be physically fine in a day or so. Emotionally he'll be a wreck because his mate just rejected him,but also because he will no longer be a part of my pack brother or not." I gasped.

"You're going to make your brother a rogue because he was rejected?"

"No, I'm banishing him for cheating I don't allow cheating on your mate in this pack. He knows better than to do something so idiotic. As for Scarla I assume she will join her old coven,or join a new one."

A/N:I will not update again until I have at least 5 votes on this chapter. So if you want to know the rest of this story you need to vote.

Kayla The BelittledHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin