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Kayla's P.O.V

Chores today weren't as hard as they usually were. It was pretty much cleaning around the house. Anywhere from sweeping the hallways to mopping the kitchen floors. Although the chores were simple it was still difficult with the bruises that covered my body.

I trudged up the stairs to the attic. Climbing these stairs only made my muscles more sore. Once I was in my room I went straight to the blanket in the corner. Pretty soon my mind was blank and my body shut down to a deep slumber.


After what only seemed like twenty minutes of sleep I was woke up by heavy feet walking up the stairs. I sniffed at the hair to find out who was there and just when I figured out who the scent belonged to, the door opened. In the doorway stood the person to haunt my dreams at night.

Alpha Quimberly.

My heart started to pump faster from nervousness and I gulped with fear. I looked up to meet his eyes as this was required of me to do so. That was rule number three. Always have direct eye contact when in the presence of someone higher than your worthless and sorry excuse of a wolf, in Alpha's words.

He looked at me hard for a moment then said, " I want to play a game with you. Stand up."

This scared me we had never played a game before and I didn't want to start now. What kind of game was he talking about? This has got to be one of his sick tricks.

As I stood up I waited for him to elaborate what game we were playing. "The games called, how long can the slut stand," He said with a smug look on his face. My heart started beating faster if that was even possible. My legs already felt wobbly and he hadn't even did anything except look at me. "I'm going to set a timer on my phone for two minutes. I get to do whatever I want to you and your not aloud to stop me. If you are still standing by the time the timer goes off I'll let you go. You're free to leave. Leave this place go wherever you want. If you drop before it goes off I get another hour with you," I give a nod with my head in understanding.

Two minutes that's not very long. Stand for two minutes and I can leave. Be free. Have everything I always wanted. Two minutes. Deep breaths. I can do this.

Alpha then takes his phone out abd sets the timer for two minutes just like he promised. "Ready. Set. Go," he says as he clicks the button and puts his phone in his back jean pocket.

He then starts caressing my cheek with hus hand and feels really weird. I thought he would be hitting me. Then I feel it. A big blow to the stomach. It knocked the wind out of me and I couldn't breathe very well. I lean forward a little from the punch but keep my feet firmly on the ground.

He then moves to my right side and brings his foot up and gives me one hard kick in the ribs. I hear a few crunches and this time the kick sent me flying across the room and into the wall. My head makes contact with the wall.

Then I'm on the dirty floor. Curling into my body to be in an easier position to breathe. "You're pathetic. Can't even stay on your feet for half a minute let alone two," he says looking at his phone screen.

I'm filled with shame and disappointment. I just lost all hope of ever getting out of this dump. What's worse is he is right. I am pathetic. I didn't even stay on my feet for half a minute. Now I am stick here for good.

Alpha makes his way to right in front of me and squats down so he is looking eye to eye with me and says,"I win. Now you're mine for another hour," he then takes one of my hands and easily crushes it. There were at least four cracks in there. He must've broken like three or four bones.

"Tell me what's worse. What hurts more. You're body or you're pride. I broke a few of your ribs and at least three bones in your hand but, I also hurt your pride. You couldn't even stay up for two minutes. So what hurts worse," he whispers into my ear. He's such a jerk now he's just rubbing it in that I'm a weakling. I am not strong and I never will be.

He grabs a fistful of my hair and dribbles like a basketball on the floor. "Answer me when I ask you a question, you good for nothing piece of trash. You won't ever be loved. You won't ever have a mate and even if you did he would reject you on the spot. You are a hideous, filthy, and weak person. If I were you I would go kill myself because nobody here is going to. And you're never going to get away from this place so I don't know what you're waiting for."

I have thought about this before and I have tried but Lizzy won't let me. She says she still thinks we have a chance at getting a mate. I keep telling her otherwise but she won't listen.

My head is hurting really bad and the world is spinning and right before I pass out I choke out two words, "My pride."


Cameron's P.O.V

Kirsten leads me out side and into the forest . We walk for about a half a mile than come to a stop at a huge treehouse. It looks like as big as condo at least.
"I found this place when I was about ten and I have basically claimed it as mine," she giggles.
It was a beautiful oak wood and looks like it could be at least ten years old. It looks in fairly good condition.

You can see the new things that hasn't always been there. Like the pots of marigolds on the rail and the gorgeous paintings on the outside wall. She has a picture of a pink and blue wolf cuddled into each other. They're obviously mates. On another wall she has a picture of what she thinks the moon goddess looks like. She has given her a blonde hair with golden skin and a glow all around her.

"That ones new. I just painted it like a week ago. The other one is from a couple years ago," she explains to me. She steps on a platform and I koin her. She then starts to pull on the rope in the centerand we start moving up.

Once were on the deck I follow her inside. Inside she has got a couple bean bags, a little twin size bed, a bookshelf and, a little wooden box.

We both take a seat on the bean bags and sit in silence for a moment. "So, as you know I still haven't found my Luna. And you owe me a favor for saving your butt from your dad and I want to cash in."

She then scrunches her eyebrows to show she is confused, "I don't see what you mean and how those two things relate."

"Let me brake it down for you. I am afraid I don't have a mate. If I haven't found her yet I don't think I will find her. I have visited almost every pack on this continent and still haven't found her. I want you to become my pretend Luna. Everyone knows a pack without a Luna is vulnerable. If a pack doesn't have a Luna to keep the Alpha calm. He could do something irrational and put the back in harms way. I need a Luna. And I want you to be her." I watch her as she takes all of this information and she looks overwhelmed.

"Well I didn't think that this is what you wanted to talk about," she murmured. "So you basically want me to lie to your pack and everyone I know?"

"Look it will be convenient. Your father and I are going to start and alliance and the ceremony is tomorrow. We could easily play you off as my mate. The story is, I came to alliance with your dad and when I saw you again we found out we were mates. We didn't know we were mates the last time we saw eachother because you weren't old enough to be mated yet. Easy cover story. Come on, what do you say?"

She takes in a deep breath and nods her head "I guess I'm in. But if either of us find our mate the deals broke. And I just want you to know I am only saying yes because your hot."

"Glad to know," we then shake hands to seal the deal.

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♡♥♡ Tae

Kayla The BelittledHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin