New Student

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(written in 2016, by an 11 year old)

Toodlez's POV

I walked down the corridor looking for my classroom. when I found it I peeked inside and saw some really weird looking students, one had bunny ears, another had a really derpy looking face.

There were two had kids 1 boy and 1 girl who took up the whole back row of the class but I guess that's not really weird its just a different body size.

There was also a girl with cat ears and pink hair but I have cat ears too so I guess I fit in fine with her.

Mrs. West's POV

I was just about to do role call for the class when I saw our new student stick her head around the door.

"okay class!!" I said and everyone stopped talking, "before we do role call we have a new student today! This is toodlez, come up and introduce yourself!"

The girl looked at me then shyly walked up to the front of the class.

"hi!" She said in a high pitched perky voice "I'm toodlez and I'm new here!!"

Someone called out "WE ALREADY KNOW THAT!!"

I glared at the class, they stopped whispering to each other.

Toodlez looked at the ground.

I went up to her and told her it was okay and just to continue. She looked at me then at all the students, she blushed then nodded and continued.

"well... I moved here yesterday with my parents. We came from China but I wasn't born there!"

"I was born in a hospital bed somewhere with my twin sister!"

"You have a twin sister?!" someone asked

"Yes!" She replied "But she died when she was born so we never met.. But its okay I'm not really sad because I never knew her!"

Toodlez's POV

"well that's sad" I heard someone say.

I looked up and saw these 3 guys sitting up on the shelves at the back of the class.

"boohoo! Ittle bittle toodlez has a dead sibling. Well we all know what THAT means!"

"What does that mean?" I asked wondering what he meant by that

"it means" he said "your NEXT!"

I gasped and looked at him there was no way I was next!

"and so is everyone who becomes your friend!"

I looked around and saw kids whispering to each other and backing away from me. I looked at the ground but then I glanced up again and saw there was one person yawning and not moving. I looked at her. She wore an orange and white striped dress, orange trainers and an orange bow. She had pink hair and cat ears like me. She just sat there.

I wondered why she didn't try to get away from me like everyone else. Even the teacher seemed to be slowly backing away. I sighed and looked down. I felt so embarrassed. Just then the bell went off

'phew!' I thought 'saved by the bell!!'

"okay class!" Our teacher said "that's the bell. We didn't get to do role call but that's okay! :D make sure to do your homework for tomorrow!! Toodlez you don't have any homework. Okay bye class!!"

Then everyone raced out the door making sure not to go anywhere near me. I sighed and began to follow everyone to lunch.

KitKat's POV

When me and Savannah got to lunch we started talking about toodlez, that weird new kid.. Savannah wanted to invite her to our table but I don't think we should..


Word count: 582 words


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