A murder?!

57 6 1

(written in 2016, by an 11 yr old)


????'s POV

Now that toodlez has arrived my plan can finally go into action!
Let me get the phone...

-phone rings-

"Hello Jay, is it all set up?"

"yep, she just needs to walk over the branch and the plan will be underway.. Now, I'll meet you behind the school tomorrow and you better pay up! Because I'm friends with them and I don't like hurting them."

"Hahaha!" I laughed "I'm not the only secret behind your fortune. Jay... You make me sick. Thanks for the help Bye! NO PAY FOR U!!"

Then I hung up

KitKat's POV

I woke up and turned on some music, I got in the shower and sang along. When i was out I only had 5minutes before school started!!

"oh shoot!! I'm gonna be late!!" I got dressed into my usual orange and white dress and ran down stairs, put my shoes on, and out the door.

When i got to school I only just made it to class on time.
While Mrs. West was doing role call I got ready.

Jordan, Jason and Tom all started talking behind me. I didn't know and didn't really care what they were talking about.

I tidied my desk, then I tied my shoe laces, fixed my bow and clapped my hands together saying "ready to start the day."

For some reason it sounded like 2 people said it but I just shrugged and started listening to Mrs. West.

The boys started laughing and then Mrs. West looked at them and they stopped.

"Perry?" Mrs. West said

There was a long pause

"Perry is sick and isn't coming to school today." Savannah said.

"okay." Mrs. West said

"Savannah is here"


"here Mrs.West! I'm here!"




"Present!!" I said

"and toodlez?"

"yes miss!!" toodlez said

"Todays assignment is to draw someone special to you! Put in lots of effort please! :D Even if you don't think you'regood at drawing just try your best!! :)" Mrs. West said "it'll be kept private so no one else apart from me can see it!"

"and dad..!" Savannah added.
Then the bell went.
"Have a nice lunch!!! :D" Mrs. West said

We all walked to lunch. Me and Savannah got stuck with Toodlez and Yara because Savannah likes them for some reason so I just played on my phone while they all chatted. Just then Sid cane over and said "have any of you seen Jay??"

"nooo... ;-; sorry!!" Yara said sadly

"Nope" Savannah and toodlez said

"yeah I think I saw him going outside?" I said.

"okay thanks!" Sid said and ran out calling for Jay.

"hmm Yara you should go make sure he doesn't go anything stupid." I said, just trying to make her go away.

"yeah haha!!" Yara said "I think I will back soon."

Yara ran off after Sid.

Yara's POV

"SID?!" I called.
"yeah?" He said appearing behind me.
"there you are." I said. "are you looking for Jay?"
"yeah" he said "I am..."
"I'll help you!!" I said.
"okay," he said. "lets check over there!"

So we walked off talking and looking for Jay.

"I'll check here and you check there kay?" I asked.
"okay!!" Sid said he went and looked for Jay. I turned the corner and screamed.


"what!?" Sid said running over

I ran over to him and said "I found Jay...."

KitKat's POV

I was on my phone and Savannah and Toodlez were just talking when we heard a faint scream. Toodlez and Savannah decided to go and investigate and they dragged me with them. We ran outside and down the side of the school until we found Sid and Yara sitting on the floor, Sid crying Yara looked pretty upset too.
"Sid? Yara?" I said "what's wrong?"
Sid didn't speak but Yara motioned to around the corner so we all peaked round to find Jay's DEAD BODY sitting there covered in blood with a stab wound right in the middle of his chest.

Toodlez had to cover her mouth to stifle her scream. We helped Sid and Yara up and then we all walked back into the cafeteria. And I decided to tell Cassie since she was dating Jay.

"Cassie?" I said "Can I talk you to you for a second?"
"sure." she said and we walked out .
"Cassie" I began ."I didn't want to have to tell you this but I didn't want you to think Jay abandoned you."
"Did he abandon me!?" She asked
"No," I said. "its worse..."

Cassie looked worried.
I hugged her and said, "Jay is dead."

She burst out crying and hugged me back.
"I'm so sorry Cassie.." I said.
"it's okay.." She said crying "thanks for telling me.."

I am re writing this XD


Word Count: 789 Words


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