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(written in 2016, by an 11 yr old)


really, really bad depiction of abuse (from an 11 yr olds perspective - should not have seen the light of day)

Toodlez's POV

"TOODLEZ!" I turned around and saw KitKat running towards me when she got to me she said "toodlez I've go- wait you're not my friend so maybe I should tell y- OH SCREW IT. I have a date!"

"What?!?" I said "with Jordan?! Or Greg..?"

"Yes!!" She said

"Yes what?" I asked "wait.. It's with Greg isn't it???"

She nodded
I didn't like the fact that she was going on a date with Greg while she was still with Jordan! Just then Jordan came up and said "hey.."

"AHH! HEY JORDAN!!" KitKat shouted.

I looked at her and said "I'll be going now... Bye."
~~Time Skip To lunch Time~~
KitKat's POV
"I can't believe you!" He said whacking me across the face.
I looked down, my face stung...
"Stupidity," another slap "clumsy!" A kick "Idiotic!" A punch "Dumb!" Another punch "weirdo, useless, worthless!" Slap, slap, slap..
He ripped the bow out of my hair and turned me to the school wall scratching the back of my head on the wall. I had to try hard not to cry out and scream in pain. I knew if I did he would just make it worse.. He might even do something worse than scars and cuts... But something I would feel bad to kill..

"You, KitKat," he said "You. Are. Worthless!!"

"I am worthless..." I repeated.

"No body loves you!"

"No body loves me.."

"And no one EVER will.."

Toodlez's POV
Savannah and I were talking at lunch and Yara was over with Sid.
We were wondering where KitKat was so we decided to go look for her. We peaked out the door and saw her and.. him....
"Weirdo, useless, worthless!!"
Slap, slap, slap!
I wanted to run and stop him but Savannah told me not to so I didn't.
"You, KitKat," he said "You. Are. Worthless!!"
"I am worthless..." She mumbled
"No body loves you!"
"No body loves me.."
"And no one EVER will..!"
Just then Sid, Tim, Greg and Jason walked past. "Boys, we need your help." I said.
"What is it?" They asked
"KitKat's being abused!" I said pointing at the door.
"WHAT?!" Greg said and ran out the door, he came back looking unamused "that's not funny!!"

"What?!" I said.

Jason walked out then came back and said "was this just a prank?"

I was about to say no but then Savannah said "yes!!! Hahahahahhahaha!! So funny!

I looked at her, confused.

"Well we didn't find it funny!" Jason said.

"WE DID!!" Sid and Tim said "you should have seen the look on your faces HAHAHAHHA!!!"

Greg and Jason glared at them and they all walked off Sid and Tim still laughing...
I looked at Savannah, questioning her.
"we need more proof.." She said. "No one is going to believe us otherwise. Plus KitKat would probably deny it.."

She had a point.
Gosh.. Why does everything have to be so complicated all the time..? I wish I could change it all..

Word count 500 words

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