opposite attract

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 why are we moving again mother"  I ask my mom
" I already told you Cat I have to help renovate my client house" she tells me 
" But why" I whine 
My mother looks at me " Cat you know thats my job"
" Why are we moving to live with Jessica" I ask her
" Cat I am not discussing with you, come on the moving van is outside" my mother says 
" Really you have to move the beginning of my Junior year in highschool really, what about my life, my friends mom" I tell her 
" I am sorry sweetie but I will not let my 16 year old daughter at home for a year with noone to check up on you, and knowing you, you wont be home and I dont want to worry that I left you here" She tells me " anyway come on Cat lets go".
" Mom this is so unfair uggh",  I say and stomp to our car.
My mom comes in the car " Sweetie I am doing this for you but mostly for me" she tells me.
Im looking at the window, looking at the city that never sleeps New York. I put in my headphones and fall asleep 8 hrs here we go.

8 hours later 

" Honey we are here " my mom shakes me 
I wake up and see a Mansion , here we are the Adams family.
I get up and walk to Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Im walking to them and I realize they are a beautiful couple, Mrs. Adams is a blond with big blue eyes and is so short at 5"3 & Mr. Adam who has blond hair and the most striking green eyes and he is really  tall he is about 6"6 I reach up to them and Mrs. Adams runs up to me and hugs me.
" Cat sweetie, you look so beautiful, how long have I seen you dear" she says
" Mrs. Adams you saw me two years ago, I havent change I grew from 5"2 to 5"4 thats about it"  I tell her.
" Cat what did I tell you about calling me mrs. Adams it makes me sound so old im only 38 sweetie"  she tells me 
" Sorry Jessica" I tell her and roll my eyes.
She sees my mom and goes to her and Mr. Adam hugs me.
" How are you kitten" he asks
" Im fine Mark, how about you" I ask him. 
" l am fine" he tells me and smile.
I always liked Mr. Adam , he is my father figure since I was like 2 when my dad left me and my mom.
All of a sudden I hear my mom "saying sorry I got to go"
I run down to her, " what did you just say , your leaving are you kidding Ugghh how could you mother I understand your famous and what not but really your clients demand you meet them today right now , I think not YOU ARE THE WORST MOTHER OF HISTORY OF MOTHERS , YOU DONT CARE FOR ME, I REALIZE YOU HAD ME AT 16 BUT THATS YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE, YOU DIDNT CLOSE YOUR LEGS OKAY BUT IM SORRY FOR RUINING YOUR LIFE BUT ATLEAST YOU COULD CARE,  JESSICA BEEN A BETTER MOTHER AND NOW YOU DECIDED TO JUST DROP ME OFF, I BET YOU DONT HAVE NO CLIENTS" I tell her.  She looks hurt and tells me " Im sorry I have not been the greatest mom but I do love you" then she gets in her car and leaves. 
" Cat-"  Jessica begins
I cut her off
  " Jessica my room is the same as always".
She just nods, I then run upstairs and go in my room, I fall on the bed and cry untill I fall asleep.

I wake up and look at the clock, its midnight. I get up and go in the bathroom and I look in the mirrior, I have bags under my eyes. I am just staring at myself,  im black, I have grey eyes thanks to my grandma who is half white, I have Carmel skin im not super light but not super dark, I have a tiny nose, and dark brown freckles across it, I am short I know cause im just 5"4. I have median length hair thats goes up to my shoulder, it looks like a rat nest right now, and I just got a perm. I turn on the faucet, and wash my face. I go back to my bed and lay down, I want to go back to sleep but 
my stomach has other plans. I get up and see that Mr.Adams carried up my things. I look for a yoga shorts and tank top and put it on. I walk down to the kitchen, and see my food on the counter, I heat up my food and start to eat. 
" Well Well how are you kitty cat" someone says  behind me 
I scream and turn around " Omg Ty you scared me, jeez asshat" 
He goes to the fridge and takes out orange juice and pours out some for himself, then turns around and leans on the counter. While he is drinking, I admire him. He is shirtless, with blond hair, he has blueish greenish eyes, fall to winter its more green than blue, and spring to summer more blue than green. He is 6"2 and I hate to admit but he is totally hot. 
" Done checking me out" he tells.
" Yes I am" I tell
He laughs " One thing I always liked about you kitty was that you are honest"
" The name is Cat, asshat"
"Whatever, good night and by the way dont let me wait for you, 8 I want you by my car" then he walks away
" who the hell do you think you are"  I shout at him but I know he doent hear me. I sigh and wash the dishes and go to sleep

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