Please.. Im sorry

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I try to avoid Tyler but that has been unsuccessful for the the past month. One reason being is that I have classes with him and I live with him. The bitch Ashely left me alone and I thank the lord for that. Tyler has been avoiding Ashely too, she would go to him and he would just leave without another word, it was funny but now its just pathetic I guess Tyler kept on his Promise.  I try to be focus on my grades and sports and I know I wont be able to get a scholarship for football the reason being I'm a female but eh you never know.  At times I would wake up screaming and crying saying Stop over and over. The first night that happen, Tyler tried to calm me down but each time he would touch me I would flinch. So its officially been a month I have been unsuccessfully avoiding Tyler its Thanksgiving Break now and we have to stay home and I'm so dreading it. I stay in my room the first day and think about the times Jessica, Tyler and Mark plus my mom and I would have so much fun. Then I get sad at the thought because Jessica is dead and my mother is gone, and I'm avoiding Tyler and Mark has been so distant so I wonder how this Thanksgiving will turn out. The day of Thanksgiving I sat in my room and cried. I didn't want to go over My friends house and intrude on them, so I just lied in my bed and cried. My door burst open and Tyler just stands there and smile like a creep. A sexy ass creep and I smile at him because he is so beautiful and I love him so much. Then my smile vanishes and I remember how he took me without my permission.
" What do you want Tyler" I say in a bored voice
" Its thanksgiving baby come one ive got food for us both" He says to me and I smile when he called me baby and I look at him uncertain.
" Babe I know how you love food, Come on Kitty" He says teasily and I smile and go to him,but I trip over clothes on the floor and Tyler catches me. I look up to him and he stares at my eyes then my lips then back to my eyes.
" I really want to kiss you and make love to you Cat, the right way will you... will you let me please. I want to make this right please Cat" He whispers me to and I think over it and I finally nod. He smiles real big and picks me up bridal style and gently puts me on the bed. He looks at me and he goes in on his knees and kisses from my toes to my head. Then slowly removes my clothes and I lay naked before him.
" You are so freaking beautiful" He whispers to me and kisses from my lips to my private area and licks and sucks and I moan out loud. This shit feels so freaking good and I grip his hair tightly and pull. He groans and I moan from the vibration of his groan. He comes off the bed and strip of his clothes and I moan at the sight of him.  He comes on top of me and reaches for his drawer and pulls out a condom and he puts it on him.
" I promise you I would never ever hurt you again" He says as he position at my entrance and I nod at him and he pushes into me slowly and I groan at the pain. Tears spring to my eyes at the pain and runs down my face, and Tyler still in me
" I'm sorry baby, it will get better I promise" He whispers in my ear and he shifts alittle and I feel little pleasure shoot up my body.
" You can move now"I say to him and Tyler lifts his head to look at me as he slides all the way in and I grunt. He begins a rhythm, he slides all the way in then all the way out rotate his hips and do the process again and it feels so good. All you hear is our grunts and moans, and this feels way better than the last time. Soon I feel this thing building up and next thing I know I'm screaming out Tyler's name as I come off my high and now Tyler props up alittle bit more and grips my hips and pound into me and I moan again and again until we both scream each other names and Tyler slumps on me. I wrap my sweaty arms around him to hold him still and he finally looks up and kisses my lips then pull out of me, he gets up to go to the bathroom then he comes on the bed and wrap his arms around me.
" I love you Cat" He whispers In my ear and I smile then fall asleep.

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