A good laugh

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The team seprates and I look for someone to throw it to and everyone has someone guarding them and I see Daniel or is it Dave running towards me in a raging bull speed.I look at a place i can go threw and I see one. I wait till dave comes close to me and i go to  the next side and I take off, I see someone coming to me i slow down and i jump when he aims for my legs and I take off to the Touch down line and I make it. I walk back to team and I get many high fives. We huddle up and make a plan, Tyler is going to to run the ball and Trey the brown- hair boy and Eric the red head boy is going to block him. I am going to to fake it and pretend im throwing it at Greg the blond hair boy. Then jacob the other blond hair dude and Peter the other  Brown haired boy is going to block him pretending he has the ball so the attention is on Greg and not on Tyler. Jordon the other brown hair boy is going to protect me. I created this awesome plan and we break apart and everyone takes their postion. I look at Dave and I wink at him and I say HUT HUT and i make sure i focus on Greg and I fake throw it to Greg and he runs like he has it and the ball i fake throw falls behind me and Tyler catches it and goes the other way just running and the boys finally tackle Greg but they see he doesnt have it and by time they run to Tyler he is already at Touchdown line. We switch side so im now on the defensive and Dave team is on  offensive side. He looks at me and wink and I smirk at him. He says HUT HUT and I block some dude and Dave threws it to someone on the other side of the field and the guy catches it and runs but is tackle. This goes on for a few plays He throws it to the same guy but not back to back. I smirk and the last play before he switch sides I go and block that boy because i know Dave is going to throw it to him. I pretend Im blocking the same guy, Dave throws the ball to the guy and I run infront of the guy and catch the ball and i run to the opposite side and I run and my team is blocking me but someone tackles me and i fall down. I get up and dust myself off and i see the guy im always blocking, just tackle me and I laugh and he joins in and I help him up. I go and get some gatorade and the guy i always  block comes up to me.

'Hey that was awesome what you did" He tells me. I really look at him and I notice he is freaking Sexy he has blondish-brownish hair and has greyish bluish eyes and he is tall because I have to look up at him. He smiles at me and my heart stop beating for a second and then beats in overdrive

"Umm..Yeah i am awesome"  I Tell him and shrugs 

" I hope you join the team, it would be really nice for a change and I think your it" He tells me 

"Well I hope im on you guys team also" I tell him and smile at him 

Derek comes to me and hugs me 

"You were awesome babe" He says 

I roll my eyes " Damn right im awesome, daaa" I tell him. Mystery guy clears his throat and Derek and I turn to him.

"Hey bro" Derek says 

"I know this couldnt be your girlfriend, because you dont go that way so who is she" Mystery guy says and my eye widen 

"Dude, can you shut the hell up, you lucky I told her or I would have wupe your ass" Derek says 

" Okay we all know thats not true" Mystery guy says 

" Okay whats your name Mystery guy" I ask him 

" Thats for you to find out and for me to know" He tells me 

" Its Daroal, he is my older brother" Derek says 

" Wait, are you guys twins because your a senior and Yall must not be twins yall dont look identical, you guys do look  alike but not so much, Derek eyes are blue, Daroal eayes are greyish blue and Daroal is taller and leaner and Derek is tall but has more muscles and Daraol has blondish-brown hair and Derek has dark brown hair  but both of yall are sexy as sin" I ramble

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