Tyler Pov

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Tyler P.O.V-

I get up really quickly and run to the bathroom to throw up. After I wash my mouth and go take a shower to calm this headache. After I walk into the room and see Cat on my bed naked and is shivering, I quickly put the covers on her. Then I realized that I was naked when I went to the bathroom and I cant help but think did I... did we do it. Then I smile, I hoped she enjoyed it and I was really gentle with her because I know that was her first time. Even though I don't remember, I will eventually that what usually happens. I get dressed and I head to Ashely house I really have to talk to her, Last week was a mistake I never meant to be with her. I honestly don't know why I cheated on Cat she was there for me threw everything and I just betrayed her, so from now on I will be her knight and tend to her. I also have to stop drinking because I don't want to be an addicted, and I cant wait to tell Cat this. I reached at Ashely house and ring the door bell and wait for her to answer, she does and she look horrible.

" Oh my Tyler I just woke up, why didn't you call" She says and tries to straighten out her hair and straighten her clothes and I cant help but think when Cat just wakes up she looks like goddess.

I grimace " I just have to talk to you" I tell her

" Oh come in" She purred and I grimace again

" No No its fine umm... all of last week was a mistake I love like really love Cat and I honestly don't know why the hell I cheated on her when she has been so understanding tthrought this and I know she is hurting but tries so hard to stay strong when I know her and my mom was super close. I messed up really bad and I want Cat to be my forever and I need to let her understand that, I'm sorry but it seems I'm leading you on and Im so sorry I used to really like you but what I have for Cat is way beyond that and I'm so sorry. I also don't want you to bother her or any of your friends just leave her alone please" I say to Ashely and she have tears running down the face

" I love you Tyler please" She says and I hug her

" I'm sorry Ashely but I don't love you" I say and hop in my car to my future wife.

I reached home happy since  the past two weeks and I open the door and I'm hit with all the events that happen last night and Im shocked. Did I really raped Cat, I head inside and run up the stairs, and she is sitting just staring at a wall and her eyes are really red.

I go to her and hug her, and she begins to sob.

" Baby I am so sorry, Oh my gosh baby I'm so sorry" I say and now I'm crying why would I do something like that 

" why would you do that to me" She cries out

" I'm sorry" I say

" I didn't do anything I loved you, you cheated and raped me, why did you rape me Tyler please tell me " She says in between her cries

" I don't know " I whisper

" Tell me please, just tell me Tyler please" She whispers

" I was drunk baby Im so sorry" 

" I understand though your mom died I understand Tyler" She whispers

" No Cat you didn't deserve that, don't say that"

" I deserve it" 

" Cat no oh my no you don't baby I'm so sorry"  

I climb in bed and I drag her down and her head rest on my chest as I hold her

" I promise to you Cat ill make it up to you, I'm so sorry ill make it right" I say as I hug her as she cries on my chest

" Tell me Tyler why" She says 

" I don't know sweetie I don't know I'm sorry" I whisper and I hold her and whisper sorry to her.

I begin to sing to her as I hold her and her cries are becoming quieter and I keep holding her until I hear her soft snores. I promise that ill be there for you Cat and make everything better, and I fall into a sleepless dream with the my forever girl because she will become my wife and the mother of my kids, and that's the last thought I think as I fall asleep.



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