Chapter 1

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Forever Yours, Faithfully

[Disclaimer: I don't own Joss Whedon or his works. But I love him soooo much! Lol.]

[Author's Note: This takes place after Season 7. I pretend that the Season 8 comics don't exist. But my au (alternate universe) is pretty similar. Buffy and Willow and Xander live in England with Giles at a slayer training facility. Willow also does a little witch training too .The original potentials have been made into captains and spread out to train others around the world to protect towns that contain hell mouths. Kennedy leads one in Ohio. Faith leads one in Florida. Etc... Buffy has started to get tired of the routine of training others and takes a vacation to see Faith, who has lately been emailing her.]


Chapter 1

"Oh girl you stand by me.

I'm forever yours...faithfully."

Buffy Summers opened the door of the taxi and pulled out her duffel. She slung it over her shoulder and looked at the building in front of her. It seemed to be four-stories and right on the beach. The building was done in grey stone and trimed in blue. There were huge windows on the first floor and the doors were solid glass panes. It wasn't exactly the smartest design for a building located in a Hellmouth town, but it was pretty. 

The slayer walked up to the door and looked into the lobby. She was finally in Florida, which was new for her, and her golden ponytail was much appreciated in the heat. The sticky breeze pushed against the back of her neck as she reached for the door handle. She thought about Faith's last email again-


Can't wait to kick your ass. Gonna make you say uncle before I even work up a sweat.


The two girls had a very unconventional friendship. Lately the training academy in England had began to feel mundane, boring. Willow flew out to see Kennedy in Ohio a lot. She said the change in scenery kept things exciting and new. It had been Willow's suggestion to go see Faith. Sort of. She said, "Why don't you take a trip too?" The slayer academy got paid a lot by the government just to provide bodyguards to royals and so bi-continental flights weren't a big deal. Will said- "Go see someone. Go do something exciting." Buffy couldn't figure out why it was that she immediately thought of Faith Lehane when Willow said the word "exciting" but things had been changing a lot lately. For example, Xander had been paying quite a lot of attention to Dawn... 

Anyways, when Buffy told Giles of her plan to go see Faith, he had taken off his glasses and wiped them on his shirt. "That's actually a very good idea," he had said, walking past her to get an old book off the shelf in his office. "Who knows what terrible things Faith has been teaching her trainees." He didn't trust her because of her past. But it was because of her past that Buffy DID trust her. She wasn't the same person, Buffy could feel that. She acted badass and withdrawn sometimes, but that was all it was- an act. She was afraid to get close to someone again and that made her vulnerable. Buffy could definitely identify with that. Plus, she'd just helped the Scoobies save the world from ultimate evil. If that didn't get her some forgiveness, nothing ever would.

The facility door opened to a nicely airconditioned building that smelled like tanning lotion. The lobby had a vaulted ceiling and windows in the back that looked out at the ocean. A big wrap-around desk held one girl, who looked up from the computer when Buffy came inside. Directly in front of the slayer, however, was a huge metal detector and some guards with tremendously large biceps. Buffy sighed and dropped her duffel on the conveyor belt knowing what was about to happen. The Slayer Academy had their own private plane and so metal detectors were avoided. She stepped through the metal detector and was greeted with a cocophony of beeps. 

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