Chapter 3

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forever yours, faithfully

[disclaimer: I def don't own Joss. Or Buffy or Faith. But they own each other. That's for DAYUMM SURE.]

[Author's Note: Damn long night. I've listened to the strangest stuff while writing this.. From Skrillex to Cassie Steele. Lol. Anyways. I hope you guys are enjoying this, because I sure am. I'm not absolutely sure but I think Fuffy is my favorite fanfiction femmeslash ever. Lol. BUT. SLASH ON.]

Chapter 3

Buffy looked at Faith's hand resting on her thigh and her eyes flashed to Faith's face. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, suprisingly sober sounding. "I'm just worked up from the fight and the dancing and the alcohol."

Faith tilted her head again and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't like being played with B," she said. "You know that. So if you're hiding something, I'm gonna find it out. And I'm not afraid to do it either."

The blond hopped down from the stool. "We should just go back. I don't feel very good."

The brunette fixed Buffy in an intense gaze and then she shook her head. "No. We're not going back yet. If you wanna rub all over me, then you're going to rub all over me. It's a fucking club. People don't mind. Stop being a bitch about it."

Buffy said, "I'm not being a bitch. You're just imagining something that isn't there." 

Faith rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just come on. You wanted to have fun. We're going to have fun." She yanked on her again and the two of them headed back to the dance floor. 

BUffy felt her mind spinning. She replayed Faith's hand on her thigh over and over. Then she took a deep breath and started dancing again. She told herself not to be afraid. She closed her eyes. She felt hands on her hips from behind and she looked down to see Faith's fingers snaking around her both to rest on the front of her hips. She leaned her head back and moved her body against her. The alcohol made her resistance melt away. She HAD told Faith that she wanted to have fun. That was true. Maybe that's all that was happening- they were just having fun. 

She could feel other people watching them. Guys mostly, but a few girls too. It felt good to have their attention. In Sunnydale, everyone knew her- either as the slayer, or as Buffy Summers, that weird girl from Sunnydale High that was always getting into trouble and weird situations. But here she wasn't either of those people- just one girl dancing with another girl in some club off the beach. 

"You forget I'm a slayer too," Faith hissed in her ear, "And whatever you're feeling right now is having a direct effect on me." She paused for a minute, and then pushed her hands down, curled her finers around the hem of Buffy's dress and hiked it up just a little. "And right now I'm feeling really horny."

Buffy's breath caught in her throat. She felt Faith's fingers brushing the front of her thighs. And then she spun away and ran for the alley, busting out into the night air before she could even catch her breath. Faith came chasing after her. 

"Buffy," she yelled after her, as Buffy took off down the alley back to the main street, "Wait!" She wasn't even tipsy and caught up to Buffy instantly. She grabbed her arm, yanked her around. 

Buffy shook her off. "Get off me!" She yelled.

Faith grabbed her again spun her back around. Buffy, on impulse, spun and kicked Faith hard in the stomach. Faith stumbled backward, "What the HELL," she touched her stomach. She shook her head. "Oh you wanna deal with it that way?" A smile crept over her face. "Alright." She bent forward, her chest already rising and falling with excitement. "Go ahead. Come at me."

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