Chapter 5

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Forever Yours, Faithfully

[Disclaimer: Honestly, you guys. I don't own Joss. Lol.]

[Author's Note: I like apple juiceboxes. They are just the nicest, most yummiest things. So how are you guys enjoying this!? Please review so I can have feeeeeedback. And if you wanna be friends... Private message me. Lol. I could always use a few more friends!]

Chapter 5

Buffy woke up before Faith did. They were still tangled on the carpet, Faith's arm under Buffy's head, and Buffy's head on Faith's chest. It had finally stopped raining and the morning sun came through the window in sleepy rays. Buffy looked at how gentle Faith looked in sleep, her eyes closed, her breasts rising and falling with each breath. Her eyes traveled down the brunette's body, and her heart sped up just a little as she remembered the ways they'd touched, how delicious Faith's moan had sounded, and the way she had tightened around the other girl's fingers as she peaked. The blonde pushed herself up, so she was above Faith's body. And then, before she could talk herself out of it, she placed her lips to Faith's throat. 

It began as just that, but Faith whimpered as she opened her eyes. It was a whimper that signified not only her awakening, but too, her arousal. And within a minute, they were back into it, rolling their tongues in each other's mouths, grasping for what their hands could find, and eventually pushing into one another once again, refreshed and ready for round two.


Buffy and Faith ignored the trainees. They saw them in the hall, and felt their eyes on them as they made their way to the showers. But Buffy and Faith just laughed at the trainees judging looks, and their laughter filled up the tiny bathom as they stumbled into the same shower stall. But eventually their giggles morphed into more moans. The water ran against Buffy's back as Faith hoisted her up by pressing her thigh between the blonde slayer's thighs. It was a different experience standing up.


They got dressed to go to the kitchen, and Faith reached into the cabinets, pulling out anything that sounded good. Buffy emptied the fridge. There were eleven or twelve other girls in the kitchen, sitting around the tables, eating cereal with milk and drinking juice. But Buffy and Faith stood around the counters and ate until they were full. 

"Are you training with us today?" one of the girls asked sheepishly, tapping her fingernails on her empty drinking glass. 

Faith finished off a carton of milk by drinking the remainder of the liquid directly from the box. "Maybe. But I've got official slayer business that comes first."

Buffy saw a few of the girls exchange looks. A tan girl looked up from her cereal. "You mean having sex with the other slayer? Is that official slayer business?"

"Breaking your nose sounds more official though," Faith replied icy, "Doesn't it?"

"Faith," Buffy warned, placing her hand on the other girl's lower arm. 

"You should try having the room below them," another girl added.

"I'm on the opposite end of the HALL and I heard them," a fourth girl chimed in. 

"How much stuff did you end up BREAKING last night?" a fifth said. 

Buffy stepped in front of Faith. She didn't have to defend herself to a bunch of teenagers who all kind of reminded her of Dawn. But she said, "Just the closet. And the mirror." She thought for a second. "The headboard. And the doorknob too actually."

All of the trainees looked at her. Faith looked at her. It felt good to not feel ashamed for a change. 


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