Chapter 4

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forever yours, faithfully

[disclaimer: I don't own Joss or Buffy or anything. I barely own anything.]

[Author's Note: SLASH ON, MY DEARS. Please review and let me know what you guys are thinking. I think after this one, I'm going to do a Btvs/OneTreeHill cross over... Or I may actually finish my Hermione/Luna one.. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW.]

Chapter 4

"AND bein' apart ain't easy on this love affair..."

Buffy left the building and went down to the beach. It was thundering and rain sprinkled down on her, leaving beads of water in her hair. She went down to the surf and took off her pumps, throwing them behind her into the sand. She walked into the water, until the cold ocean waves lapped at her thighs. Then she closed her eyes, put her hands over her eyes and screamed. She lifted her face and screamed up at the sky. She screamed so loud that it hurt her ears. Tears ran down her cheeks and felt hot. When she opened her eyes again, she saw lightning streaking across the sky. She backed out of the water, got her shoes and walked down the shore no idea where she was going. She thought about Sunnydale again, and all the apocalypses she and her friends had kept from coming to pass. The Master, Angelus, The Judge, The Mayor's ascension, Adam, Glory, Willow, The First... She thought about the people that she'd lost over the years, the countless number of demons and monsters she'd killed just to keep the ones alive that HAD made it. 

The rain started to pour and it soaked the parts of Buffy that weren't already drenched with salt water. She liked the feeling of the wet sand squishing between her toes. There was no one else on the beach but her. No people. No demons. No vampires. No fish creatures that started out as the Sunnydale High School swim team. She'd made it through a lot of shit over the years and now here she was, fucking up again. It wasn't really fair. Even post apocalypse, her life was set up for her. A series of fights, near misses, heart breaks. There was no getting around it. 

Lightning lit up the sky and Buffy held her hands out, her shoes dangling from one hand. She lifted her face again, let the pouring rain wash off her mascara and run down her neck, down the front of her dress. She took a deep breath. 

The image of Faith's face as Buffy had rammed Faith's own knife into her stomach was fresh on her mind again. She couldn't stop thinking about it. It had happened a long time ago, but she could still feel Faith's gasp, still see her eyes widen... And that scar...A white line on her abdomen.. Buffy remembered the way Faith looked in the hospital bed and how it had felt as she had pressed her lips to the other slayer's forehead. There was so much history, so much death, so much betrayal and heartbreak and much SADNESS. Faith wanted her dead, tried to INSURE her death on several occassions... But Buffy still couldn't get over the time she'd actually tried to kill FAITH. She thought back to when she realized that Faith had gone bad.. When Angel had pretended to lose his soul again just to trick Faith into telling them about the mayor's ascension. Buffy had wrapped her arm around Faith's shoulders, and held a blade to her throat. Faith said, "Kill me, you become me." She could hear her saying it. SO MUCH had happened since Faith had spoken those words.. She was good again. She was redeemed. But the memory lingered. 

Buffy lowered her head, and turned to head back to the facility. Why did it really matter that she keep this in anymore? Why did it matter that she kept her walls built up? Who was she trying to keep out, exactly? 

She got back to the facility, didn't even look at the guards as she swept through the metal detector, her shoes still in her hands. She didn't wait for the elevator, just took the door to the left that said "Stairwell" and ran up all four flights, not even losing her breath. She dropped her shoes in front of Faith's door and went inside without hesitation. Faith had changed out of what had remained of her dancing outfit. Now she had on a white halter top, no bra, and a tiny black thong. She had the window open and she was blowing cigarette smoke out into the rain. The lightning flashed and the crack of it almost made Buffy flinch. 

Forever Yours, Faithfully: A Fuffy Slash FicWhere stories live. Discover now