Chapter 6

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forever yours, faithfully

[disclaimer: I don't own shit. Lol. I don't own Joss or BtVS. BUT I OWN THIS STORY.]

[author's note: This'll be the last chapter. I hope you guys liked it!! Next, I'm gonna write another Fuffy one. Because I have decided that Fuffy is my favorite femmeslash of all time. lololol. Please though.. if anyone wants to talk.. private message me!!]

Chapter 6

"two strangers meant to fall in love again..."

Buffy had this ability to draw power from the devotion of men. When Angel or Riley or Spike had adored her.. She had taken their adoration and grown stronger. It was with their love, affection, obsession, that she had stood up and defeated the worst of her enemies. But Faith.. Faith was an extraordinary exception. Faith was very much NOT a man. And everytime Buffy remembered that, she sucked in a jagged breath and shook her head, trying to figure out where she'd gotten the courage to actually DO what she had done. And everytime she did this, she reminded herself that she HAD actually done it. Slept with Faith. Eight times. And somewhere between the first time and the eighth time, she'd fallen in love with her.

Rupert Giles was British and after Sunnydale was destroyed, he took his family of slayers back to England to train. It had been a long time since he'd lived in England, and an even longer time since he'd lived in England as just a man, rather than a watcher. But regardless, he felt at home. Because he had Buffy there most of the time. And the rest of the time he spent looking through his books making sure he could protect her the next time an apocalypse rolled around. It was just that.. Lately Buffy Summer wasn't herself. Not since she had returned from Florida. 

The blonde slayer sat on the couch in Giles' office pretending to flip through some ancient text on Feyarall Demons. Giles was shuffling through some papers on his desk, but it wasn't easy pretending that he wasn't worried about her. And so after a minute, he took off his glasses and laid them on the desk. "Buffy," he said, and rolled up the sleeves of his coat. It was rather stuffy in his office, especially when it rained. "Do tell me what's the matter." 

Buffy closed the book. It was fine because it smelled like old people and dust, anyways. "What are the council's rules for..." The blonde paused, and looked up at the man that was as close to a father as she had anymore. " within the slayers?"

Giles walked in front of his desk and leaned against the front of it. "Dating..." He frowned. "Within the slayers?" Then he thought of Willow and Kennedy, and he softened. "Ah, you mean with Kennedy and Willow? Willow isn't actually a slayer and so the rules don't actually apply.."

Buffy shook her head. "I don't mean Willow and Kennedy," she said. Then she stood up. She wiped her hands on the front of her shirt and then took a deep breath. "Giles," she said. "I don't know why I'm getting permission. I'd feel the same way even if you forbid it." 

The watcher slid his hands into the pockets of his tweed pants. "Buffy, I don't quite understand what it is you're asking permission for."

"I'm in love with Faith."

"Faith?" His eyes widened, just as Willow's had. Buffy never stopped suprising Giles, and perhaps that was why he was so proud of her. Having gone through the life that Buffy Summers had gone through, any other person wouldn't have made it. But Buffy was strong. It was her ability to keep changing and evolve with her surroundings that made her strong. And it was her strength that made Giles proud every single day. "Are you certain?"

Forever Yours, Faithfully: A Fuffy Slash FicWhere stories live. Discover now