Chapter 2

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forever yours, faithfully

[disclaimer: Remember.. I don't own Joss. Lol. I just love using his characters for fanfiction!]

[author's note: Hope you guys are enjoying this piece so far. Anyways. This is chapter 2. Please review!]

chapter 2. 

Buffy opened her eyes as the sun was going down. She felt like she'd been asleep for days. She was sweaty again. She sat up, pulled her t-shirt over her head, and then unbuttoned her jeans, pushing them into the floor. Her stomach was churning. She leaned forward, her hands on her knees and remembered her dream.

It was the same passionate fight, Faith leering at her from one side of a huge empty room, and then rushing forward to assault Buffy with her fists. They took turns diving, dodging, making contact with skin. Then, Faith had Buffy pinned against one wall. The lights dimmed. Faith's eyes were dark and hungry. "When's the last time you had a good fuck, B?" she said, her voice a quiet, sultry whisper. 

The blonde slayer ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. The dreams were getting worse. Now her entire body ached. Or throbbed. She got up, stripped off the rest of her clothes and fell back on the bed. She closed her eyes, leaned her head back and placed her hand on her stomach just above her navel, and then slowly she pushed it down. She tried not to think about anything, just focus on the release of tension. She thought that if she could just get some of it out and let go for a minute, she could focus. But when her hand reached its destination and Buffy gasped, the dream came back to her in full color. There was Faith pressing her against the wall. "When's the last time you had a good fuck, B?" her voice said. Buffy whimpered, arched her back a little, bent her knees. She tried to push Faith to the back of her mind one last time, but her image would not leave. Buffy gave in, rubbed herself and imagined that it wasn't just her hand and it wasn't just her alone in the room. She felt herself spiraling, her breathing became rapid. She used only the tip of her middle finger and rubbed slowly...

Then there was a voice, a real life voice, and Buffy's eyes shot open. 

"Hey B, you up?" It was Faith. "You've been asleep for fuckin' ever. It's time to man up." The door knob started to turn. 

Buffy rolled instantly, wet and bothered but resourcefull, and pulled the comforter up and around her. Faith stepped in just as Buffy had it fully around herself. Her eyebrows went up on her head. 

"Fuck," she said. "Hey, I didn't mean to interupt anything." She looked around the room, noticed all of Buffy's shed clothes- her jeans at the foot of the bed, her shirt nearby, and her panties and bra there too. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh my God, B. Were you just...?"

Buffy shook her head. "No, no.. I was just.."

Faith laughed and held out her hands. "Hey, no need to be modest girlfriend. We all got needs." She licked her lips. "I woulda never expected you take care of those needs.. But..." She paused, and let her eyes scan Buffy, and where the comforter wrapped around her shoulders. She shook her head. "Damn."

"Don't you knock?" Buffy said, kinda perturbed, but mostly just embarassed. 

Faith shrugged. "Not usually." She looked at Buffy's bra, laying in the floor. It was lacy and pink. So girly. She wouldn't have been caught dead in it. But the fact that Buffy wore one was almost... Cute. "Nice princess bra," she said, her voice mocking, but her eyes laughing. Her eyes slid across the carpet, fell on the tiny thong balled up by Buffy's jeans. Faith usually didn't wear underwear, but she knew Buffy wasn't that typa girl. "You get the panties at the same place?"

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