Let me Watch

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Tyler laid in the plush hotel bed staring at the ceiling. He couldn't relax enough to fall to sleep and after flicking through the TV channels a few times, he decided to text Josh to see if his best friend was awake. Josh didn't text back, so that left Tyler alone and bored.

A noise from the Josh's room stirred him. A low whine. Tyler sat up and heard it again, louder this time. It was female, that's for sure. Then he heard Josh's voice mumble something, caught off with a moan, long and hushed. He was having sex. Tyler laid back down, his ears straining for more noise. He didn't know why he was so interested in listening in and he told himself that he couldn't help hear the noises, their rooms were joined after all, the only thing separating them was a door.

Something stirred inside of him as he heard a particularly loud cry of Josh's name. He got up, taking the few steps to the door and pressed his ear to it. He ignored the fact he was starting to get hard, pushing it away into the back of his mind. ''Oh yeah'' Josh's voice was a whisper and Tyler wanted more. His hand hovered over the door handle, fingers brushing against the cool metal. He couldn't.

Another whimper and Tyler had to admit that he was half hard. He needed more. He pushed the handle, gently and nudged the door open a tiny bit. Tyler knew Josh's room had the same layout as his own, so the bed was to the left of the door, in the far corner. The perfect view.

Tyler bit his lip as Josh and the mystery girl came into sight. She was laying on her back, Josh hovering over her, one hand on the bed, holding him up, the other hand between her splayed legs, moving fast. Tyler couldn't see much more, Josh had his back to the door and he was blocking any sight of his lover.

Tyler's hand went to his crotch, palming himself through his boxer shorts. He bit his lip harder, he could hear every breath, whimper and movement in the room and he tried desperately to stay quiet. Josh moved, setting himself above the girl, kissing her roughly, his hands on her breasts. Tyler leaned forward to get a better look at Josh's partner. All he could see was long brunette hair and a slim body.

Josh mumbled something that Tyler didn't catch, and they were swapping positions. Tyler had seen Josh undressed loads of times, with years of sharing rooms, vans and even beds, but never like this. Tyler felt hot, he was itching for more. The girl climbed on top of Josh, her hands on his chest, straddling him and Tyler's hand slipped under his boxers.

''Tyler...'' Tyler froze. ''C'mon, I know you're there, come in here.'' Tyler held his breath. Did he mishear? Imagine it in his haze of arousal? ''Tyler!" Josh snapped and there was no mistake. Tyler nudged the door slightly and slowly peeked around. Sure thing, Josh was leaning up on his elbow looking at him.

''Err...'' Tyler didn't know what to say, but Josh saved him the trouble.

''Sit.'' Josh nodded to the chair that was beside the bed, in front of the small dresser and Tyler nodded. Josh turned his attention back to the girl on top of him while Tyler took his seat, his mind spinning. The girl was pretty, full lips, nice skin and Tyler briefly wondered where Josh had met her. Tyler's eyes fixed on the pair in front of him, his hand on his fully erect dick. She had started to move against Josh, tiny little whimpers leaving her parted lips.

''Come on.'' Josh breathed, pulling her up his body. Tyler's eyes flicked to Josh. His cheeks were flushed, lips red and eyes heavy lidded but Tyler's attention was brought downwards as she lined herself up on Josh before sinking down onto him. Josh let out a huff of air, his hands holding her hips tight. Tyler stroked himself slowly, teasingly, watching her pull herself up before sinking back down. She was moaning now, porn-star sounds falling from her mouth.

''What do you want Tyler?'' Hearing his own name brought Tyler back to earth, his eyes snapping to meet Josh's. ''W-What?'' Tyler was too far gone to even consider the consequences of this, the awkwardness of watching your best friend have sex with some stranger. Josh smirked at him and all the attention was on Tyler now. ''What d-do you..'' Josh's sentence was cut off with a moan, low in this throat ''...want?''

Tyler's mind was racing. He didn't know the answer, he was just fine. Josh nodded towards the girl above him ''She'll.. Ugh.. She will do it...'' he finished. Tyler felt his cheeks redden. This was crazy. ''Suck his dick.'' he heard himself say in a voice that sounded like he had control of this situation. She bit her lip, lifting herself off of Josh. Josh smirked at Tyler and Tyler gave him a small smile back.

Mystery girl positioned herself between Josh's thighs, leaning over his erection. Tyler looked and worried his lip between his teeth, his hand squeezing the base of his own erection. He watched her take Josh into her mouth, just the head at first, earning a long cry from Josh, his head tilting upwards on his pillow. She went to work, taking Josh into her mouth at once. Tyler noticed her throat contract before she lifted off. Tyler moved his hand again, slowly, praying he wouldn't come.

''Such a slut..'' Tyler heard Josh say and when he looked, he noticed Josh was looking at him. Tyler smirked and him and repeated Josh's words, nothing above a whisper. The girl moaned around Josh's length, causing josh to hiss between his teeth and Tyler could have sworn he heard himself moan.

Josh's hand went down, tangling his fingers in her hair. She swallowed him once, twice more before Josh was pulling her off. Nothing was said as Josh pulled her down, lifting himself up and over her. Josh looked down at her with predatory eyes and Tyler held his breath. Josh lined himself up and surged forward in one smooth move. Another porn-star noise escaped her lips, loud and long and Tyler whimpered. Josh set a fast pace, thrusting into her hard. Tyler watched, his hand moving faster in time with Josh's movements.

''Josh..j.. I'm..yes..'' The girl called out a jumble of words, cut off with a long cry, her body tensing, hips stuttering. Tyler felt the build up within him, his eyes screwing shut as he came hard against his stomach and in his hand. He heard an ungodly noise coming from Josh and he opened his eyes in time to see him, mouth open, head thrown back as his orgasm rocked him.

Tyler leaned back to catch his breath as Josh fell beside his lover. They caught each other's eye again and smiled. Tyler tucked himself back into his boxers, leaning forward ''Thanks for show..'' he said before getting up and taking a few steps towards the door. ''Enjoy your night.'' He said with a sly smile, adding a small wink before walking out of the room and back into his own room. Tyler laid on his bed, using a tank top that was on a chair to wipe his stomach. He didn't think about what will happen tomorrow when he sees Josh, or whether they will ever talk about this. Tyler shut his eyes and was finally relaxed enough to sleep.

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