Chapter 15

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Leo xx: Heyyyyy

Lou ♡ : Hi there

Leo xx: How r u?

Lou ♡ : Good, u?

Leo xx: Yeah same same

Lou ♡ : That’s nice.

Leo xx: This is weird.

Lou ♡ : Ikr…guess we haven’t messaged each other in a while

Leo xx: Yeah, true.

Lou ♡ : Anyway, wud?

Leo xx: Procrastinating….

Lou : From?

Leo xx: English hw

Lou ♡ : Ahhh….fun fun

Leo xx: Not really….wud?

Lou ♡ : Trying to read.

Leo xx: Ahhh yah nerd.

Lou ♡ : Noooo….

Leo xx: I’m joking!

Lou ♡ : I know!

Leo xx: God.

Lou ♡ : Ha!

Leo xx: It was autcorrect

Lou ♡ : Whatever that is


Lou ♡ : Hahahahahahaha

Leo xx: Shut up!

Lou ♡ : Hahahahahahaa

Leo xx: Louise!

Lou ♡ : Oooo my full name! Yah getting mad? ;)

Leo xx: A winky face!

Lou ♡ : Oh god
             That was a mistake

Leo xx: Hahahahaha, now look whos doing it! 😂

Lou ♡ : Ergh. I hate yah

Leo xx: Awww hate u too! xxx

Lou ♡ : Ewwww

Leo xx: :)

Lou ♡ :  :P

Leo xx: Ok well, I gotta go I guess
              Speak to you soon!

Lou ♡ : Ok byeeee Leo xxx

Leo xx: xxx

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