Chapter 8

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Friday 4:00pm

Leo xx: Lou! What do I wear?!?!?

Lou♡: umm, clothes?

Leo xx: Nah shit

Lou♡: Say please

Leo xx: Please may u tell me what to wear?

Lou♡: Okay….so do u have a button up shirt?

Leo xx: Ahh, yes…

Lou♡: K wear that with a NICE pair of jeans

Leo xx: What about shoes?

Lou♡: I’ll leave that up to u.

Leo xx: Thanks a million Lou xxx

Lou♡: All good Leo x

Leo xx: Anything else I should be aware off?

Lou♡: Ummm, try not to swear, basically be a good boy and she’ll love u haha

Leo xx: Ergh fine…anything else…

Lou♡: RELAX, you’ll be fine xx

Leo xx: Well, I guess I’ll see u soon Lou Lou xx

Lou♡: kk Leo


“Louise!! Can you get the door please?” Mum called me from down the hall.
“Be right there” I yelled back.

Flattening my dress one more time, I began the journey to the door. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I took a deep breath as I opened the door. I was then faced with a ridiculously hot specimen.

His hair neatly combed, a light sky blue shirt, and dark wash jeans, with converses.  I made eye contact with him and instantly blushed.

“Finished checking me out?” He said with a smirk. Arrogant ass
He sent me a weird look. That’s when I realised what I said. I blushed even darker. Oopsy Daisy.
“Well,  for the record you look really pretty.”
I felt him look over me.

“Yup, be right there!”
I led Leighton into the kitchen where my mum was as the oven taking out a cake. She really went all out…
“Hi, you must be Leighton.”
“That’s me ma’am.”
“Please call me Ms. Edwards.”

Leo nodded and looked at me. I immediately looked down. Mum then sent me a glance as if to say that we can go to my room. I indicated to Leo to follow me.  He was looking around a lot, as if he was trying to find something, or work something out.

We entered my room, and I sat down not so gracefully.  He started laughing out of surprise. I sent him a glare. He just laughed more. So I hit him. On the arm. Hard. He looked at me in shock.
“You really shouldn’t of done that.”

I jumped up so fast and started to make my way to the door, except I tripped, or rather Leo tripped me. We tumbled down and he landed on top of me. Leighton gave me a mischievous look. That’s when he began to tickle me. I absolutely hate to be tickled!
I began to wiggle around, but he wouldn’t stop! I gasped for air. He paused. Trapping me once more. He looked into my eyes, I stated right back. He glanced at my lips, beginning to lean in. Until.

There was a cough at the door.

“Dinners ready kids.”
Leo rolled off me, pulling me up with him. He smiled at me gently. A smile. Not a smirk. I couldn’t believe it!

He followed me to the dining room where the table was set for three. Leo and me on one side, mum on the other. Mum had placed a big bowl of spaghetti in the middle of the table. Mum sent me a look.
“Would you like a drink Leighton?”
“Um sure” He answered
“k come with me.”
We came to the good ol’ fridge.
“Want anything in particular?”
“Have a Pasito?”
“Duh, it is my only my favourite drink.”

I chucked it at him, grabbing one for me and a water for my mum, leaving the room to go and sit down. I placed down the water in front of mum, then sitting in my place. Mum being the polite person she was, offered the food to Leighton first. He accepted. After he’d finished, passed it to me, saying thank you to mum as he did.

After dinner was served and eaten, and a bit of small talk, mum dismissed us.
“Leave the door open won’t you Louise?”
I nodded with a slight blush. Why did she have to walk in on us?

I sat on the floor this time, leaning against my bed. Leighton just stood there awkwardly, not sure where to sit.
“So, what do you want to do?” I asked him.
“It’s your party, you decide.”
“Fine. Follow me.”

I led him to the TV room. Where I had an Xbox setup
“Wanna play need for speed?”
He looked at me in amazement. “Sure,  but just to let you know, I will kick your ass!”
“Sure sure.”

I gave him a controller, turned on the Xbox,  TV,  and chucked Need For Speed Most  Wanted on. My favourite. I let him choose the track, which he did with a smirk. Of course he chose the hardest…jerk.  But he didn’t know anything.

“YES! I WIN AGAIN!” I stuck my tongue out at him, dancing crazily around the room.
He looked pissed. Like really badly.
“What the hell! Five races and you won them all! How?
“Skill, duhh.”
“Nah, just joking, I used to play with my brother before he…” I trailed off. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom. I’ll be back.”

I looked into the mirror. That was close. I can’t let Leighton know.  Never. He can’t and he mustn’t. I splashed water onto my face. Trying not to cry, I must be strong.
I slowly walked back to the TV room. Where Leo was on his phone. He looked up as I walked in.

“Well, I guess I better go babe.”
I gave him a nod.
“Hey, you okay? He gave me a worried look.
I nodded him again.
“Well, if you ever want to talk, you can.” He indicated his phone.

He came over to me and gave me a hug. He was warm, and smelt really good. We held each other for a good minute or so. Before he stepped back and coughed uncomfortably.
“I’ll just say bye to your mum. See you around Lou.”
“Bye Leo.”
I sent him one last smile, which he returned with a smirk, as he exited the room.

Well that was fun.

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