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park hae-ri

"what should i say to him?" hyomi asked as she paced atound the room, "hi, jackson! my name is bae hyomi. wait no, no."

"stop pacing around. you're making me dizzy!"

"ahh!" hyomi whined, "i'm so damn nervous right now!"

"me too, okay," i told her while playing a game on my phone.

"oh, wait! what time is it??" hyomi checked her phone before screaming, "hae!! to your room now!"

"wae? what? why? hey!" i complained as she pushed me to my room.

"it's 2.30 and you haven't dress up! hurry!"

"geez, the event is not until 8!" i told her.

"but you have to choose an outfit, make up, and we have to leave early to get the best spot!" hyomi said as she litteraly take everything out from my wardrobe.

"ya! first, i already pick an outfit," i showed her the outfit i'll be wearing, "second, there's no way i'm wearing make up! for the third one... yea we need to go early but not this early!!"

"that?! that's your outfit??" hyomi asked me and i gave her a yea-why-not look.

"that's a big no no! we're meeting idols here, hello? we're not just going to the mall or something!"

i looked at my outfit again, t-shirt with 'fab' written on it and jeans, what's wrong?


"fine, let me just search for something better okay? if there's none, you'll wear that," hyomi said before diving in to my wardrobe.

a few moments later, "aha! got it!"

hyomi took out a crop top with 'la' written on it and a pair of black jeggings along with a long checkers coat.

"try it!!"

tbh, it was okay, actually. i mean, it's pretty casual and all, my style.

"do you have snapback or anything?" hyomi asked.

"yea," i went to my closet and took out my 'leessang' and 'halyang' snapback that i got from gary oppa, "this!"

"let's be twin! i can wear the white halyang and you'll wear the black," hyomi suggested.


we then take a bus to the venue and we arrived there a few minutes later. surprisingly there were already lots of people there. me and hyomi decided to roamed around to search for merchandise or something like that.

"we need to buy the ahgabong!!" hyomi told me and i just nodded my head while following her from behind.


"we're next! we're next! we're next!!!!" hyomi screamed quietly-- if that's even possible.

"i know. but if you're going to keep on screaming, we'll be kicked out before we even got there!" i told her as pointed to the desk where got7 are currently at.

"nah~ mark wouldn't let that happen to his girlfriend and her friend," hyomi replied as she winked at me.

i rolled my eyes as it was also our turn.

"hi! what's your name??" the first one was the giant maknae, yugyeom.

"hi! my name is haeri. park haeri," i said and smiled.

"haeri noona?" yugyeom asked and i nodded, "wow, you look prettier in real life. not that you're not in pictures but--"

"i get it yugyeom," i chuckled and smiled.

next was the eomma of the group, jinyoung, "hello! what's your name?"

"park haeri," i smiled as he signed the poster.

"haeri? as in the haeri?"


"proof it."

"you told me that plan to kill yu-- ow!" i was cut off by him as he slap my hand lightly.

"okay, okay. fine," he replied, "mark hyung is waiting!" and then he shooed me away.

"sunshine! hi youngjae oppa!" i greeted.

"hi! what's your name?"

"park haeri!" i answered.

"ahh, haeri? the one that mark hyung talks about? is it that haeri? that park haeri that i texted to??" he asked.

"uh yea. but lower down your voice or people will hunt me."

good thing that the members were quite far apart from each other so the girl before me couldn't hear the conversation. plus it was really noisy there too.

"right sorry. here you go!"

after that was non other than the fashionista, bambam.

"hey bam! i thought you died during the fight," i teased.

"huh? oh! hae noona! annyeong!! and no, i survived the world war!"

"haha okay. too bad i can't meet jb today," i pouted.

"don't say that to mark hyung though. he had been waiting for your turn! i think he was planning on--"

bambam didn't able to finish hi sentence as jackson covered his mouth.

"you're taking to long, bam!!"

"sorry hyung! we'll talk again later, noona!" bambam said and waved. later?

"so if it isn't park haeri, correct?"


"sorry, bambam was being his talkative self just now," jackson apologized as he signed.

"no worry. i kinda get used to it now, lol,"i chuckled.

"okay, i want to ask you something though, what happen a few days ago? jb suddenly barged into bambam's room and head locked him. and he kept on mentioning your name."

"well, bambam told me about jb's condition and that he can't join the concert. and then, i decided to tease that grandpa. but he ended up throwing his anger on that poor kid over there," i said and pointed to bambam who was talking to hyomi now.

"is that hyomi?"

"yup. have fun!" i said and went to the last person.

mark tuan.

"have fun to you too," jackson teased me back.


3 (?) more chapters and book 1 is over😭 which also means my other story will be published :)) book 2 of this story will be publish next year (obviously) around march-may (?) maybe? idk but yea, there'll be book 2 for sure! happy holiday everyone 💞

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