Chapter 21 | How Do You Love A Dead Boy?

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The clock above the whiteboard slowly ticks away at the final lesson of the day. After my rough start to the morning and not particularly fantastic day, I just want to get school done with. Resting my head on my hand, I half listen to Miss at the front of the Physics class, and half listen to the two girls behind me.

"Well you can see why she would want to be able to see him... I mean, she's basically got herself a boyfriend no one else can see. You have to admit Sophie, he was good looking before he... well, died. No one alive, that hot, would ever go after her," one of the girl whispers. 

"Actually I heard that some guy in her English class likes her. I've seen him around, and he's definitely worth the time. But I do hear you Heather; I can see where the whole 'imaginary' boyfriend thing fits in with this... It's a shame, I always thought she had potential to be normal," Sophie replies.

Gritting my teeth, I turn around to the two girls who instantly look up at me in shock. 

"Wow. You guys couldn't be any more subtle about it, could you?" I ask and they just look at each other.

"Lucy Ainsworth. How would you like it if I had my back to you while you were out here talking?" Miss suddenly yells, causing me to jump in my seat. Great, a telling off; Just what I need.

I turn back around to face Miss and see that everyone has turned in their seats to stare at me. I feel my cheeks flush red and look Miss straight in the eye.

"Uh, sorry Miss. It won't happen again," I tell her. She smiles.

"No, it won't," she says just as the bell rings. Everyone quickly rises from their desks, scrambling to get the heck out of this place.

"Calm down! Before you all run off, I want your weekend homework here on my desk, otherwise you won't be leaving this classroom," Miss quickly adds in before the first person can leave.

I'm halfway through packing up my stationary and freeze.

What homework? I don't remember any homework I was supposed to do... Shit! I need to go home! Well I need to... but if I leave any later I'll be riding home in the dark...

There's no way I can call mum pick me up... Noah's truck is getting fixed... and dad... well he doesn't get home till late... Hang on... I don't have my bike! Now I really need to leave now! Walking down the dark highway... oh God! That's the kind of place you expect rapists to jump out! Oh no! What am I going to do?

Maybe if I can just zip past Miss...

I look up to see that the classroom is empty, minus Miss. She looks at me, an eyebrow raised and a hand on her hip. Wincing, I pack up everything and hug my books as I walk up to her. 

"Homework?" she asks. I shake my head and she sighs. 

"I was hoping to get out on time today. Sit down, you've got forty minutes to complete the work in class now," she says pulling out the sheet. 

"Please Miss. I need to leave now. I promise to get it done tonight and hand in to you first thing tomorrow. Please, I have to walk home and I live at least an hour and a half away. Please Miss... I don't want to be walking in the dark," I plead with her. 

Miss sighs again and sits down in her desk chair. She looks up at me and frowns.

"This isn't like you Lucy. You're one of my top students but this past fortnight your work standards have dropped dramatically. Is there anything going on that I should about?" she asks. I stare at her for a couple of seconds. 

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