Chapter 40 | Robert

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Turning off the gas, I slide the toasted cheese sandwich off the pan and onto my plate. With still nobody home to me dinner, I had resorted to the classic snack. The pan clangs against the metal sink as I throw it from sight and I sit myself down at the island counter with a glass of milk. I cut the sandwich into triangle quarters, smiling to myself. 

I stuff a whole triangle into my mouth and notice Ryden watching in the corner of my eye. With my mouth still full of cheese and bread, I turn to him and smirk. 

"Jealous?" I tease. He stares longingly at the other three triangles. 

"Very," he replies. I snicker and swallow my mouthful. 

"It's too bad that you can't enjoy food anymore... but, that's not going to stop me. You can watch me enjoy the food, if that makes you feel better," I continue to mess with him. He glares at me and pouts. 

"You suck," he whines.

I smile, fitting another triangle into my mouth. With my greasy thumb, I gesture behind me to the driveway. 

"I just bought you a car, and sat there like an idiot while you pretended to drive around England in it. I played along without complaint. I deserve to rub the luxury of a grilled cheese sandwich in your face," I say, a few crumbs escaping my stuffed mouth.

Ryden gives into a small smile. He opens his mouth to say something, but we both jump out of our skin when a loud bang echoes throughout the house. A bit of bread goes down the wrong way and I find myself gasping for air while coughing out my lungs. 

Sliding off the stool, I use the bench for support as I continue my coughing fit, Ryden quickly coming to my aid, although there's not much he can do. Over my coughing, I hear dad yelling and mum's heels clicking and clacking against the floorboards of the hallway. 

I reach for my milk and scull the whole glass, and after a few more coughs, I find that I can breathe again.

With a bit of sweat forming on my brow, I look up from the bench just as Johanna walks into the room. She drops her handbag and briefcase onto the bench top with another bang. 

She glares at me, her eyes boring into mine. She means business. 

"So," she starts, "I suppose Noah has bought himself a new car. A station wagon. Odd choice for him. I thought he appreciated the Ute me and your father picked out for him."

I look at her, an eyebrow slightly raised. She reaches forward with skinny fingers, nails painted grey, and takes my plate from the bench. I follow her as she tosses out the remainder of my toasted cheese sandwich and throws the plate into the sink. She throws it with so much force that it cracks into three pieces as it makes contact with the edge of the pan. 

My eyes widen and my heart beat starts to race.

Johanna turns to me. 

"It's not Noah's car," I squeak. Dad and Noah rush into the kitchen at that moment and I look to them. They look at me. I'm in for it. Big time. 

"Oh? And with what money did you pay for it with?" mum asks. I turn back to her. 

"Mine. I saved my money and bought a car. What's the big deal?" I ask, trying not to show my fear. 

Johanna smiles and shakes her head. She looks to dad and Noah with piercing eyes. 

"What's the big deal Robert?" she asks, mimicking my voice. I also look to dad and he tugs at his collar, uncomfortable with all the attention. 

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