Chapter 35 | Christopher

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London had been the escape from reality and parents that I needed; but like all things in my life, the good times had to come to an end and on Sunday morning, I find myself in the back seat of Cameron's jeep, being driven back home. 

While I lay my head against the door window, my mind starts buzzing with thoughts I'd rather not think about. I still have one more week of being grounded to make it through and I'm more then certain that I'll be having a visit or two from an old friend, who is more than eager to get Ryden to move on. 

I sigh quietly to myself. What did he mean by my wellbeing being at risk? I know that that something bad will happen to me, but how bad are we talking? A bone break? A mental illness? Death of loved one?

Knowing my future would be better than waiting for something bad to happen...

*           *           *

Cameron pulls up my driveway in the afternoon. It's just him, Ryden and I in the car now and when the engine cuts out, silence falls between us. Cameron unbuckles his seatbelt and twists around to face me in his seat. 

"It was a great weekend. Thanks for inviting me," he says with a smile. Taking off my own seatbelt, give him a small smile and shrug. 

"It was Christopher’s idea..." I say, before I suddenly remember Christopher’s copies the book still sitting in in my bag. 

"Oh!" I exclaim.

I quickly reach to my bag that sits next to Ryden and unzip it. Reaching into the mess of clothes and other things, I feel the hardcover of the book in the plastic bag and forcefully take it out. I quickly look inside the bag and make sure that the books are still in good condition. After checking for bent pages, rips or stains, I hand the bad with the two books in it to Cameron. 

"Here. Drop these off at Chris' on your way home," I tell him as he takes it. 

"Uh, sure," Cameron says, dropping the bag in the passenger's seat of the jeep.

I zip my bad back up and open my door, throwing the suitcase down onto the driveway, before jumping out myself. Slamming the door behind me, I walk around to the driver's side of the car and Cameron rolls down his window. 

"I'll see you at school tomorrow then... thanks for me to London. I really owe you one Cam," I say. Cameron shrugs. 

"Meh, I like driving," he says with a dry laugh.

My reply is a lopsided smile.

After saying our goodbyes, Cameron gives me a short wave and backs out of the driveway. I follow the car down the driveway, calling out to him to take good care of Christopher's books. He gives a two-finger salute before driving off down the little country road.

I wait until he disappears into the snow covered fields before turning to Ryden, who stands next to me with his hands in the pockets of his pants. He stares out at the fields with a frown. 

"I don't get that guy," he says. I smile up at him. 

"I don't think he quite gets you either," I tell him and he looks down at me.

With a little 'huff', he turns around on the spot and begins walking back down the driveway, a smirk on his face. I can only wonder what goes on his mind...

Later in the afternoon, while the sun sets and the sky outside darkens quickly, I unpack my suitcase with Ryden. Well, he doesn't really do anything, he just tells me about how he loves The Phantom of the Opera while I place my clothing pieces back on coat racks and hang them in my wardrobe. Having never seen the whole movie myself, I just occasionally nod and make agreeing sounds. 

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