Chapter 22 | Impossible Physics

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Tossing and turning in my bed sheets, I can't clear my mind enough to sleep. Cameron's words keep swirling around in my head, even though he left a long while ago. Rolling to my side, I open my eyes in the dark room and glance up at my clock; 10.28. Rubbing my face with my palms, I move onto my back and stare up at the origami birds; their colours only barely visible in the night-time. 

Downstairs I can hear the television and the murmur of people talking. Suddenly there's light outside my curtains and I get out of bed to take a look. Resting on my knees at the window seat, I open one of the curtains to see that the brightness is coming from the light above the front door. 

I notice dad walking out of the house, a suitcase in one hand while his winter coat hangs over his other arm. He turns around to face Johanna as she follows him outside. Out of curiosity, I inch open the window, shuddering at the freezing night air which pools in, and listen in on their conversation; even though I've seen this scene play out many times. 

"I just don't see why you always have to go to London. Why can't you ask someone else to do it for you, Robert? Surely there are others at the office that can do this!" mum exclaims. Dad sighs loudly, running a hand down his face. 

"Johanna, I've told you this time and time again; it’s the money. How do you think we can afford such a nice house, and nice cars and nice clothes? It's only a couple of days anyway," he argues, straight out lying to her face. 

"Come on dad, just tell her the truth," I mutter; feeling disappointed in my dad. 

"I know, I know. It's just, I just came home yesterday, and you're already off. You could have at least postponed the whole thing a couple of days," mum continues. 

"Hmph. I would have thought you would have known how hard it is to change up these things. And what, you couldn't have come home early from your recent trip?" dad asks, his voice rising. 

"Don't start again Robert!" Johanna suddenly yells. 

"She's your daughter! She's only sixteent! You complain to me that she ignores you, and doesn't appreciate you, when you do exactly the same thing to her!" Dad yells back. 

"And where were you?! Huh? How come you couldn't have come from London to see her?!"

I close the window and sit back from the curtain, letting it fall into place. I feel sick from seeing my parents have a go at each other; sure I don't really like mum and dad, but I hate seeing them fight. Sighing, I draw in my knees and rest my head on my kneecaps. I close my eyes, still half hearing the grumbling outside my house. 

Feeling myself finally drift into sleep, the last thing I hear is the sound of a car leaving the driveway and the slam of the front door, before silence returns to my bedroom and I can, at last, clear my head of Ryden, Cameron, Johanna and Robert. Lately these are the only people who ever seem to be stuck on my mind.

*           *           *

The sudden sense of freefall and the touch of the carpet under my fingers causes my eyes to fly open. Blinking a few times, I squint as I try to figure out where I am. Craning my neck, I look up and see my origami birds, which appear higher than normal. 

I turn from flat on my stomach to my back and notice that I'm not under any covers. I sit up and realise that I'm on the floor, in front of the window seat. A sharp stinging starts up on my knee and when I look down, I see that I'm managed to gain myself a carpet burn from face planting the ground. 

With a sigh of annoyance, I think to myself; another injury to add to my list.

I stand up and look at my clock; 5.31. I scrunch up my face, knowing that I won't be able to get back to sleep, but it also being too early to start getting ready for school. 

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