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(Ah-na-lee-yah) (Nie-el-lee)

Analia looked into the mirror one last time while adjusting her dress as she released a deep breath. Her mother barged into the room, scaring her.

"Come on Ana, everyone's waiting on you." her mother said, sounding sweet for the first time in years.

"Okay... wait. Mama, do I have to marry him? I don't even know him!" Analia whisper yelled.

Her mother, Lillian, roughly grabbed her and dug her nails into her arm.

"You will marry Hollis! I don't care that you don't know him. After you guys get married, you'll have all the time in the world to get to know him. Get out there now!" Lillian shoved her out of the small room and towards the sanctuary.

Analia had already been plotting in her head, but she never thought she'd have to follow through with her plan. She met with her father at the start of the aisle and began to walk.

"You look gorgeous, princess," he whispered to her.

She just smiled at him while saying a mental prayer.

As she approached the altar she flashed a fake smile at Hollis.

"You may now be seated." The pastor stated.

The ceremony started and Analia was shaking. In the back of her mind she could see her happy ending and it made her feel a little better.

"I'm doing this for you Nyelle." She whispered to herself.

The ceremony began and Analia was in shambles. Soon enough the pastor asked if she was ready to say her vows.

"I am," she stated.

She cleared her throat before starting.

"Hollis, I don't want to marry you. I'm barely twenty-three and you're going on fifty. I never wanted to marry you to begin with, this was all my mother's idea. She said you have a lot of money and if I marry you, my family will inherit it. You're a kind man, but you're not the one I want. I'm sorry," she finished as she wiped her face while rushing out of the room.

Her mother had the ugliest scowl on her face while her father looked quite relaxed.

Analia ran into the furthest bathroom and began to change into the clothes she had planted under the sink during a dress rehearsal. Shoving the beautiful gown in the bag, she left it there and jumped out the window where the person she wanted to marry awaited.

"Let's go before they find you,"

"Alright." Analia said as she entwined their fingers.

The two drove to the airport and boarded a plane to New York, where they'd be starting their new life together.


Some hours had passed and they had finally landed. The loud intercom on the plane woke them up. Analia stood up and stretched while Nyelle rubbed her eyes. They got off the plane and went to the baggage claim. About fifteen minutes later, the bags showed up and their cab was outside. They put their bags in the trunk and got in. In about twenty minutes, they arrived at their brand new apartment they had purchased together.

As Nyelle took their bags out of cab, Analia stared around and felt very frightened. She knew her mother would find her eventually and most likely hurt her or Nyelle, and that's not what she wanted. Nyelle knew this as well but she felt quite different. She was ready to get over any obstacle in order to be with Analia, because that's who she wants.

Soon, the two had packed all their clothes away and were officially ready to get married. First in the courthouse and then a big ceremony so family and friends could join.

After something that seemed like forever, they finally arrived at the courthouse.

The two quickly got out of the car and almost ran into the courtroom. After waiting for some time and signing a lot of paperwork, Nyelle and Analia were finally married, legally married.

What could go wrong at this point?

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