Epilogue --- A New Beginning

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After Two Years:

“There you go, sweetheart,” I smiled at the five year old girl when I gave her a candy stick. She giggled and took that from my hand.

“Thank you, Kate for watching over her,” Mrs. Allen smiled at me as she was cradling Ash, her in arms.

“Nah, its al right. I like watching over kids, and bring her back whenever you want,” I looked at the customers behind her standing. She might have guessed that the line was increasing behind her.

“Hey, I am sorry, but I will catch you later,” she waved at me and left the shop. I greeted the next customer and continued my job. For almost four hours, the café was filled with busy workers and students. It didn’t give me enough time to look over Shadow, but he remained in his seat as usual. Once the rush was gradually decreased, I relaxed into the seat and breathed. It is the tough month. As the chill weather was making people want to heat up their system, they always find their way to my café.

“Hey Kate, that’s enough. I can’t do it,” I glanced at Shelly. She was completely exhausted. I felt pity to see her in her condition. She shouldn’t be working here, instead should take rest. She is five months pregnant and her baby bump is already shown up.

“I am so sorry Shelly, but you need to rest. Go home, I will take care of the rest,” I sat beside her and placed my hand on her shoulder. She gave me an innocent smile.

“Don’t worry Kate. I am just tired. Once I have my lunch, everything will be alright.”

“No, I insist you leave right now,” I forced her to get up but she didn’t.

“No darling, this is the toughest time for you and I know you can’t work alone. Hey, why don’t you hire someone to help you,” she raised her eyebrows and grinned.

That’s not a bad idea. But who will work here? I had though of it once, when I heard that Shelly is pregnant but couldn’t find anyone. I sighed and looked around the café. It’s now closed for lunch break and will be opened after 4 O’clock.

“Hey, you are right. I should hire someone,” I glanced at my watch and decided to take out my lunch box. We shared it and finally relaxed in the couch. It was time to reopen the café.

I got up and slide the close board to open board. In the reflection of the glass window, I saw my image. I changed a lot with more mature looks. But one thing always haunts me, the scar across my collarbone. I don’t know when I got it. I do remember one thing two years back that I saw hit by a car on my way to my house and I went into coma.

It was two weeks I was unconscious, and Shelly had helped me throughout those two weeks. Two years passed but still I can’t convince myself that I had gotten into some accident, when I clearly remember I haven’t met with anyone.

But Shelly and Rick convinced me a lot. Those two weeks I have no memory and I even missed that year valentine’s day. I smiled when I realized that tomorrow is the Valentine’s Day. All the decoration is still pending and Shelly is going on her date. So I didn’t bother to ask her help.

“Kate, c’mon we have lots of work to do,” Shelly voice interrupted me. I cleared my thoughts and walked back to my work.

It was nearly 6 O’clock, when a young man probably in his late twenties entered inside. He was tall with broad shoulders and a dirty blonde hair. He wore simple faded blue jeans with the black shirt on it. His eyes searched around the café and finally met mine. He walked towards me and smiled. His smile was breathtaking. I couldn’t stop smiling at him.

“Hello, what can I do for you?” I asked him politely.

“Hey,” he spoke in an Italian accent,” can I have a cappuccino?”

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