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( christine )

I laid in my bed staring straight up at the ceiling, I couldn't sleep. My mind was taken over by thoughts of Lucas Basara. Why? I don't know why. Ever since he dropped me off I couldn't help, but feel something for him. I think it may be a little crush, but having these feelings don't feel like they should. When you have a crush aren't you supposed to feel all happy and head over heels? I don't feel that, I feel like I going to seriously regret having these feelings. Like the only thing I'll get out of this is a broken heart.


A small voice, coming from my doorway distracted me from my thoughts. Sitting up in my bed I see Vincent in my doorway. The moment I took in his appearance I rushed from my bed to the boy. His eyes were bloodshot red, bags under his eyes, and visibly shaking. Kneeling down in front of him I took him in my lap holding him very close to my body.

"I h-had a n-night-"

I shushed him softly as I rocked him slowly in my arms. He didn't need to explain, he needed to sleep.
After about ten minutes of rocking Vincent he feel asleep. I stood up, carrying him in my arms. He was a little heavy, but I got him to my bed and tucked him in. Getting in myself I cuddled Vincent in my arms finally falling asleep.

This time when my eyes open I checked the time and it read 5:30. In about thirty minutes Dad would walk in and wake me, because this morning we'd be traveling as a family.
The trip was a trip Dad, Lilah, Vincent, and Mrs. Rose took each summer.
The tradition was to go to three places for three days and this year we'd all be going to Japan, France, then Greece. I'm not going to lie I am hella excited, but I just have a feeling that something will go wrong.
Stopping myself from thinking too much of the negative thoughts beginning to flood my mind, I looked over to check if Vincent was alright. He seemed to have gotten much calmer once he got into the bed. I wonder what gave him such a scare last night, but I wasn't going to ask. What I was going to do was wake him up so I could get him ready.

"Vincent? Please wake up amor."

He stirred a little, but it didn't take much before he was awake. Not saying much I brought him to my bathroom where I washed and moisturized his body. After getting a towel wrapped around him, together we went to his room to get him dressed. I dressed him in a plain white tee, black adidas soccer pants, and all black yeezys.

"Okay I'm going to get your sister ready now, want to stay with me or go downstairs and find something to eat?"

Vincent only shook his head roughly and buried himself in my belly, wrapping him arms around me tightly. It would be hard to believe this kid hated me once before with the way he's acting towards me, but that's now in the past.

"Alright mi amor, lets go get Lilah."

Walking down to Lilahs room I held Vincent one of my arms and opened the door with the other. Inside the room I could already see Lilah stirring in her sleep and shortly she was sitting up in her bed. Once she caught my eye she held up her hands as a signal to pick her up.

"Vincent you can turn on the tv, but keep it low. I'll be getting Lilah ready."

Vincent gave me a look, but nodded and went to go turn the tv on.
I proceeded to pick up Lilah and take her into her bathroom. Like I did with Vincent prior I washed and moisturized her body then got her dressed. I had her in black leggings and a white long sleeve that said 'Balmain Paris' paired with some Uggs.
Once she was ready I placed her on my hip and used my other hand to hold Vincent's hand. The three of us went downstairs to the kitchen where I got both kids on one of the kitchen stools before getting ready to cook them some breakfast.
I toasted one bagel giving each kid one half of the bagel with cream cheese on it. With the bagel I cooked eggs and bacon to eat along with the bagel. I also gave each of them a small bowl of mixed fruits.
While they ate I left them with one of the housekeepers so I could get ready myself. Once in my bedroom I showered and got dressed in some black leggings, a beige yezzus tour shirt, and I wore my Rihanna Puma slides that were gray. Since we were flying today I want to be comfortable so I put on a cardigan too. After I was all done getting ready I began to bring my suitcase and carry on downstairs. The butler met me at the end of the staircase taking my suitcase as I kept my carry on. Before going back upstairs I went to go check on the kids who were no longer in the kitchen, but in the common room watching tv. Seeing they were alright I was about to go back upstairs to get their things, but both Dad and Mrs. Rose came running down the stairs. Both had crazed faces with wild eyes.

"Hamilton they could be anywhere! Your little charity case could've killed them by now!!"

I stepped to the side not wanting to get bulldozed, but the two adults came to halt once they spotted me at the bottom of the stairs.


Mrs. Rose snarled at me pointing her finger at me.


I replied back already annoyed. Be nice Christine, be nice.

"If you don't tell me what you've done with my children in the next five seconds I'll have you in handcuffs and ready for deportation."

You see this is way In don't like helping people, especially people like this gringa in front of me. I just saved the two of them lots of time by getting the children ready and fed. Also I was just about to load the car so they didn't have to worry about much when they awoke, but instead of a thank you she's over here threatening me!

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5."

I counted. Yes I'm petty.

"Christine. Where are your siblings?"

Dad asked as he sighed.

"They are on the couch watching tv. Fed and dressed. Now will I be getting deported?"

I asked a now very silent Mrs.Rose, but she only rolled her eyes and stomped her way back upstairs. Was this lady really the mother or was she the child? I say child. I could only shake my head and take a deep breath I wasn't in the mood, calming myself down I turned my heel to leave, but I was stopped by the soft touch of Dad's arm on my shoulder.

"Thank you."

I nodded keeping my back to him and leaving to find myself something to eat.

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