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( christine )

— second stop: 🇫🇷

Japan was just flat out amazing! Especially Tokyo, the city lights were unbelievable. It's like you see them in pictures and they're cool, but when you see them in person your breath is taken away.
Now we were headed to France and I would be a little more excited, but we're sort of only here for business. Meaning dad will be in meetings majority of the time leaving the kids and I with the she devil. Cruella already had us a full schedule of boring things to do and that is why Lilah, Vincent, and I were hiding in the hotel kitchen. The chef was keeping watch for us and also feeding us all these crazy good things. This honestly was the best part of France no lie.

"Rouge! Rouge!"

Hearing the chef's heavy French voice call out the three of us hightailed out the back door of the kitchen. It meant the wicked witch was near, so we hand to book it. Lifting Lilah into one of my arms and taking Vincent's hand with my free hand we took off out the back door of the kitchen. As we ran we couldn't help but laugh and even though what we were doing wasn't good, we were happy and actually having fun. This is what summer was about, not sitting in boring lectures wearing uncomfortable clothes.

"Come on you guys let's make our own adventure!"

I smiled at both the kids as they both nodded excited, I guess they wanted to go on an adventure also.

( lucas )

Sometimes I love my dad, but then there are those times when I hold a strong dislike for him. Right now just so happens to be one of those times. Here I sat in my dad's office listening to him drone on and on about how important my marriage to Christine was. Honestly I was annoyed, since she landed in America she's been the only thing my parents have talked to me about and now I'm constantly hearing her name.

"Papa I understand. Can we please stop talking about it?"

"If you understand why do you go against my orders?"

I gave my dad a look of confusion, because for the whole entire month I've been doing all that he has told me to do.

"How can I entrust my empire to you if you cannot follow a simple order?"

Now my dad sat in his chair leaned back and very calm, that was not good.

"I've given you everything my son, but yet you disobey me."

"Papa what are you talking about? I've done nothing wrong! I've followed everything you've told me since I was informed I was going to be the one replacing you."

My dad takes this business, as you call it seriously, but what lies behind the cover of this so called "business" is what he's most protective of. Though our business makes up a good amount of money, it's the cartel that really brings in the cash. Yes, the cartel. My dad has built one of the worlds' biggest drug empires there is and now I was soon to take his position as head of this whole operation. It would've been my brother, but my brother doesn't have the face. He's more the type to get his hand merely wet, not dirty. As for me, I was the heartless one, I didn't think I was though. I'm just that good at masking my emotions.

"Son I'm only trying to protect you."

"From what!?"

"You know what, but for now I'll allow you to play dumb."

I watched as disappointment spread across my dad's face and I knew he truly had to be upset. Maybe he knew I was still seeing Alana, but if it were just that then he would've said something long ago. I for once was truly at a lost with him and I couldn't figure it out.

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