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( christine )

I can officially declare that this week alone has been the most tiring week of my life. Since the day (Monday) I went out with Elina to run errands I've been in and out of the house. I was now getting dressed to go have a driving lesson with Mr. Rose. He arranged for me to get my permit, so when birthday rolls around I can drive myself. Elina had given me a pair of swear pants and a Yale T-shirt to wear along with my Uggs. It had been a drowsy day because of the rain and winds, now sunny California was pretty cold. Pulling on my cardigan I left my room to go down to the garage where Mr. Rose waited. I found him leaning on the same Range Rover that Elina and I had been using all week, scrolling through his phone.


I said catching his attention. Like always this was where he'd smile at me and open the drivers side for me to get in. Once in the car I waited as he got in himself.

"Remember how to back out love?"

I nodded, turning the car on before I started backing out just like Mr. Rose had shown me. Now we were on the main road stopped at a stoplight.

"Today we'll go a little further, but as usual I want you to go to your school first than from there we'll start."

I smiled at the mention of my school. I was pretty excited to start as a Junior at Hillmen Elite. When I went to receive my uniform with Elina I was given a tour of the school and where all my classes would be. The school was just outright beautiful.
I was now taking the exit to my school. In all school was a good 10 minutes away and I'd become very familiar with the Dunkin' Donuts near the school.
Arriving at the school I pulled into the parking lot, finding a space parking the car into it not so perfectly. Mr. Rose got out of the car while I face palmed into the wheel.

"It's alright princess we'll just work on it a little more."

Mr. Roses was trying to sugarcoat the horrible job I did, but I guess it was the 'dad' thing to do. Which makes me think, my whole week of being here Mr. Rose has done nothing, but be a farther figure towards me. From sending me texts to check up on me to tucking me in at night. No one had given me this sort of love every since my mother passing and it was all overwhelming with the feelings coming back.

"Can I call you dad?"

I blurted my thoughts out so quickly I couldn't stop myself. I slapped my hand over my mouth in shock of my own words. He's probably going to think I'm crazy, it's only been a week and I want to call him dad!

"What else would you call me?"

Mr. Rose's voice came out in a nonchalant tone as he looked at me. He looked as if he were expecting it.

"Ok Dad."

I ran into the house not caring that my dad was hot on my tail. All I had to do was make it to the stairs and I could easily loose him.

"Christine Amelia Rose if you don't get your behind back here."

Really dude? My whole government name! We can't be saying it out loud like that we don't know who could be listening.
Stopping I turned my heel walking slowly back over to a very impatient looking farther.

"Hamilton, what's going on?"

Both Dad and I turned finding a small petit woman standing not to far from where we stood, looking at us with a spark of interest.


I snapped my head towards Dad as the word left his mouth. No way this could be his mom, she looked really fit!
She was now walking towards us and once she was fully next to the both of us her eyes wandered up and down my body.

"Is this her?"

There was nothing, but silence. I was looking down at my boots as if they were the most interesting of things, while Dad simply nodded his head.

"If you're going to be a Rose child you best pick your head up from that floor young lady."

Obeying her command I lifted my head and right as I did her perfectly manicured fingers took ahold of my chin.

"You lift your chin up correctly, straighten out that back, and ease the tension."

With every word she said she had let go of my cheek and started to walk around me, observing my body.
As she was still giving me a once over Mrs. Rose walked in alongside a girl around my age.

"Oh Lilian! I didn't know you were stopping by."

All Dad's mother did was hardly glance Mrs. Rose's way before turning her attention back to me.

"Hello Granny."

Spoke the girl standing beside Mrs. Rose. She was really pretty and dressed nicely too.

"Lilian, Diana has just finished up submitting her application to Yale."

Mrs. Rose bragged about girl like she was her child. This caused Dad to let out an annoyed sigh and Grandma Rose to snap her head up in Mrs. Rose's direction with an ice cold glare on her face.

"Marie is Diana your child? The girl has got parents!"

Dad gently took a hold of my shoulder, pulling me behind him as Lilian now stood face to face with Mrs. Rose.

"Sweetheart you go up to your room and get ready for tonight. Then come down to my office for a little chat, ok?"

Mr. Rose leaned down to kissed my forehead just as Elina walked, probably to help me get ready.

"Can I go see Vincent first? I promise I'll go right to my room right after."

I looked towards Dad with a pleading look I saw Lilah use on him the other day. I know I'm no four year old, but it seemed to work. Mr. Rose gave me a nod and right as he did I took off in the direction of the basement before anyone could say something.
Downstairs I made my way into the movie room to find Vincent watching a cartoon while he petted the dog, Kito.

"Hey bud."


This was how Vincent and I communicated, I say something and he'd reply with a one word answer. It made me wonder whether or not this kid liked me. When I frist arrived he was too sick to even give me the time of day, but I only thought it was because he was ill.

"Sooooo, what are you watching?"

I asked desperately trying to make conversation with stubborn boy.

"Look, Christian or whatever your name is, you can tell I really don't take a liking to you so cut the crap."

Now Vincent's eyes were staring at me with stern eyes and a blank face. All I could do was nod and silently make my way out of the room. I went directly to my bedroom to already find Elina in my closet looking for an outfit. I informed Elina that I was going to take a quick shower just to freshen up. Well at least some people here like me.

[ a/n: Okay above is Mr. Rose's brother and his current wife and kids. ]

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