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( lucas )

"She's definitely a lucky girl!"

Said the clerk at Pandora as I swiped my card paying for the gift I had just gotten Alana. I had also held many other bags in my hands for other luxurious places. I had to somehow distract her from the fact that soon Christine will be returning from her trip and I won't be seeing her as much. So I thought I'd get her somethings from her favorite places since Alana loved to shop and receive fancy things.

"You must really trying to woo someone?"

A voice I knew all too well came from behind me. It was my farther and he now stood in front of me with a large grin.

"May I ask who?"

"Come on Papa you already know who she is."

I'll try to play it off like all of this is for Christine, but we both know none of it is. I wasn't thinking of getting her gifts I was thinking of ways to get her out of my life.

"Really? I didn't know Christine was such a fan of expensive things."

"I wanted to do something special for her."

My farther simply nodded and smirked before walking off. I wonder what he was doing here, he hates the mall and big crowds so what was here for. I watched as he walked of in the opposite direction and soon disappear around a corner.
I now looked down at the bags in my hands and mentally slapped myself, because now I had to give all of this to Christine and not my love.

( christine )

— last stop:  🇬🇷

"Dad we're in Greece now, am I off of punishment?"

"Ask your mother."

Was he serious!? He's the one that placed this plague on the kids and I now he wants us to struggle even more! Yeah me and Cruella had a moment, but don't think that lasted long it was in and out like the wind.

"She's not my mom."

I said simply as I sat back down on the plane seat. Saying this caught Dad's attention. It was silent before, but it now felt even more quiet than before.

"Christine she's-"

"No. And that's that."

No woman could ever replace the one who carried me, raised me, and fought till her dying breath for me. Especially the one that sat in the rear cabin complaining away about how her thousand dollar shoes were smudged. She may show me an ounce of kindness, but no one really ever changes, do they? A snake may shed its skin, but doesn't it have the same exact skin left.
I gripped onto the seat handle hard to ease the anger I was feeling. Or was it pain I was feeling, these days I could hardly tell the difference between the two. Many things made me angry or hurt, but now they've slowly become one. I couldn't please Lucas enough to at least tolerate me, I have spend the rest of my life living a lie, and now sits the only person I trust forcing me to expect a poor excuse of a woman as my mother. My life my not seem so hard to a ton of people, because I know of plenty who are going through worse, but what I'd give to be an orphan again in Father Gabriel's church.

We landed in Greece around in the morning and I immediately went to bed the minute I settled into my room. I slept through lunch and dinner, waking up the next morning only to stay locked in my room. I studied and attempted at the summer work I had but quickly got distracted. At this point everyone, even the kids were questioning my actions. Cruella thought lifting my punishment and giving my phone back were going to lure me out, but I just let the phone sit on the nightstand and stay in the room.
Sooner or later I did get tired of looking at the same walls, so I did what I'd do if I were in Puerto Rico. Grabbing my phone I opened the single window in the room and snuck out. Yes, I left the house we were staying in. I had to take in this beautiful country and even in my angered/hurt state of mind. Everywhere I went I took a photo and at one point I found a swimming pool. Not thinking, I immediately jumped in. My clothes drenched, phone ruined, and hair a mess in this moment I was completely blank. All of a sudden tears came and they got faster and faster. Why I was crying? I don't know. I soon found myself just outright sobbing and didn't notice Dad coming. He up walked from behind me and gently
lifted me from the pool and just held me as I cried tears of nothing.

[ a/n: if you're ever feeling a way that pains you, talk about it. holding it inside will only destroy you. /i love you to all my beautiful readers.]

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