Chapter 33: Alex

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  I woke up to find myself in complete darkness. My back is stiff from laying on what feels like cold stone. I sit up straight, almost crack my skull on something in front of me and fall onto my back. I feel something crush beneath me. I grab hold of something and feel what it is. It smells like rotting flesh. I realize I'm sitting in a crypt with bones. 

  "No!" I scream. I pound my fists against the lid. I use all the strength I got to try and push the lid off.   Rainer must have put something on top of it. I would use my magic but I'm sure Rainer isn't that stupid. He probably absorbed it all. I know I must do something, but I was running out of options and time. This crypt is completely sealed. Sooner or later I'm not gonna have any air left. I might have at least and hour or two tops. That's it. 

   I always dreaded this happening again. My father would do this to me when I was a little boy. He knew that I was scared of the dark and that I feared the day of dying because I didn't want to see what was on the other side. When I thought we had lost my mother, she came back; But only for a few moments. She told me if I stayed a good boy, I would go to heaven. My mom was a human and once she was giving birth to a third son, she couldn't take it anymore. She said she had done some things in her life that could not be forgiven. She didn't want me to go to Hell. She said she had seen the other side and that her afterlife would not be pleasant. She told me to be a good boy and I promised her I would. I didn't. She had been a good christian; but she never told me what she had done so wrong to earn her fate towards the afterlife. I guess she didn't want me to look at her differently. 

  Ever since then, my dad started to beat Rainer and I for every little thing we did wrong. I would've had a little sister, but our mom passed before she could give birth and the baby died.  My dad knew my fears only because he overheard me and Rainer talking, and this is what he'd do to me. He'd lock me up in the darkest place that had the strongest smell of death. That was my punishment. I'd be there for hours. Only difference is, dad never tried to kill me. I guess you could say that he was one of those people who loves you so much that they just wanna hurt you. 

  Suddenly, I am snapped out of it after I hear muffled voices. 

  "Help. Somebody get me outta here!" I yell. 

  "Did you hear that?" A girl's voice giggles. 

  "Nah. I think we're so drunk that we're starting to hear things." A male voice answers.

   Two drunk idiots who don't have a clue what's going on. The guy is probably lookin' to score. Sex is never good when it's infused with alcohol. It's sloppy and there's no emotion behind it. Sometimes that happens when you're not drunk as well. Eh, who am I to judge anyway? Oh well, just my luck.  I know right, I sound so enthusiastic for a guy who's probably gonna die soon and probably need to try harder. After everything I've done to my older brother, I guess I deserve it.  I try to lower my breathing so I can use less oxygen. The people have left by now.

  About half an hour later, I hear footsteps. 

"Help! I'm dying" I said. I'm not dying yet but still, I was desperate to get outta there.

  "Hang on."  I hear a girl say; And I know exactly who it is. Katrina. 

  I prepare myself. The lid comes off easily, but slowly. She's probably using magic. Which isn't the best idea for her. What if I was a human. She could get into some serious trouble. But I'm not a human, I'm her lover. 

  It's so dark that I can't see her face. Which means she can't see mine. Lovely. 

  I jump out and go around her. I grab her waist from behind. 

  "Hello darling. Remember this" I told her.

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