Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


"Never name the well from which you won't drink." -Marion Zimmer-Bradley


At dawn, we began our trip towards the Dark Island. There was no time to waste as we frantically tried to prepare our boat for the dangers that lied ahead. Most of the crew spent their time sharpening weapons or dueling each other to prepare, and others were mentally preparing themselves for any hard choices or acts that they may have to carry out. I spent this time with Edmund working on our balance and quick reactions without speaking, for we were too anxious for words.

At last, we reached the island. Everyone was stiff with nerves as we approached.

"So," Tavros broke the silence. "What do you think is in there?"

"Our worst nightmares," Edmund started.

"And our darkest wished," finished Caspian.

"The key is to think happy thoughts while we're in there," I instructed. "One slip of the mind and we could all be dead."

"That's real helpful, Love," Edmund sighed.

"I'm sorry, but it's true."

"Tavros, unlock the armory," Drinian commanded.

"Yes, my Lord," Tavros scurried off to do as he was told.

"Archers," Drinian called, "prepare yourselves."

"Light the lanterns!" Tavros bellowed.

"Let's get ready," Caspian ordered.

"That's what we've been doing," I countered, and walked onto the deck. I looked around me and saw many of the men worriedly pacing or talking to themselves. I heard the loud flap of Eustace's wings coming towards us.

"No matter what happens here," Caspian started, standing before everyone, "every soul who stands before me had earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader. Together we have travelled far. Together we have faced adversity. Together we can do it again. So, now is not the time to fall to fear's temptations. Be strong. Never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it. Think of the lost soul's we're here to save, think of Aslan, think of Narnia.

"For Narnia!" I screamed, and all of the other men shouted with me.

Soon, we entered the thick fog that was the entrance to the island. Green mist weaved its way through the ship's crew in an eerie fashion. I watched as people were frightened by the mist taking the forms of what they feared most.

"Oh, Ophelia," I heard my mother's voice say from behind me.

"Mom?" My voice broke.

"I'm happier than I've ever been in the afterlife, and you wanna know the reason? It's because you aren't there," she sneered.

"No. You're not real."

She laughed. "You've always been so naive. You're just a fool, and I'd rather be dead than spend another moment with you." Her voice echoed through my ears as the mist's impersonation floated off.

"No!" I heard Edmund shout from behind me. I quickly went to him.

"Edmund, don't listen to her. She's not real," I told him.

He nodded in understanding, and I took his hand in mine. He smiled down at me, and squeezed my hand.

"Keep away!" A mysterious voice warned from the distance. "Keep away!"

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